Race and/or ethnicity unknown0% Technology & Support at University of South Carolina Delivery modes Live streaming video Yes Live streaming audio Yes Recorded video Yes Recorded audio Yes Software-based readers Yes Application for display on tablet computer Yes Description of application for tablet com...
The gender breakdown was 80% women, 15% men, and 5% other (Department of Statistics South Africa, Citationn.d.). Participant Recruitment I used purposive sampling aimed at identifying Millennial Black women academics at the universities. I recruited only participants who self-identified as Black...
The rebel leader has also criticized the failure to reform the security sector, “which is dominated by one ethnicity [i.e. the Dinka] out of 64 (Sudan Tribune, March 3). In September 2018, the main warring parties in South Sudan signed a peace agreement in Khartoum, with Cirilo noticea...
In addition, 2.9% of students are two or more races, and 0% have not specified their race or ethnicity. Also, 47% of students are female, and 53% of students are male. At schools in South Glens Falls Central School District, 25.3% of students are eligible to participate in the ...
As described recently[77], we first estimated the pre-test probability using the prevalence of each disease according to the age, gender, and ethnicity of SAIF. Using this analysis of the SAIF genome we found 17 diseases that had post-test probability >5% (Figure 7)....
Ethnicity was dummy coded in all regression models, with whites as the reference group. The pubertal stages of the adolescents were recorded into early puberty (Tanner 1–3) and late puberty (Tanner 4–5) for use in the regression models. Multiple forward selection and backward elimination ...
Annot Sandstone in the Pe_ra Cava basin_ An example of an asymmetric facies distribution in a confined turbidite system (SE France) 热度: Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa US Capabilities and Chinese Operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.pdf ...
According to the Chinese customs authorities, trade between China and Africa surged in 2022 to a record US$282 billion (11% year-on-year increase) explained by soaring commodity prices, China's reopening and Beijing's recent push to boost imports from Africa.7 In terms of the breakdown of ...
The household's socio-demographic and socio- economic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, income, size and composition) determine its lifecycle (Schirmer et al., 2014). Choosing a residential unit involves a trade-off between providing proper shel- ter (Deeyah et al., 2021), ...
As described recently[77], we first estimated the pre-test probability using the prevalence of each disease according to the age, gender, and ethnicity of SAIF. Using this analysis of the SAIF genome we found 17 diseases that had post-test probability >5% (Figure 7)....