that the rigid quaternary South African racial classification system, which is based on White, Black, Indian, and Colored racial categories, might be transformed or re-configured due to shifts and transformations in the racial and ethnic makeup of the South African population owing to immigration....
The racial symbolism of Killmonger is, for me, one of the more unsatisfying aspects of this film. It is tempting to think of Killmonger as a representation of his people, the African American counterpart to T’Challa’s African identity. Indeed, the smart viewer will nod along when he chall...
It is time that we have equitable representation of people in coaching/administrative positions reflecting the racial and gender makeup of student-athletes on collegiate teams. Now is the opportunity. Now is the time. Kyle Richardson made significant contributions to this column. ...
Higgs, Fry, & Langford, 2012), and will not always match residents’ perceptions of accessibility (which can be influenced by the characteristics of the greenspaces themselves, as well as socio-demographic makeup of populations (Jones et al., 2009, Maroko et al., 2009), it aligns with ...
P W Botha former Prime Minister of South Africa was also born in Africa and was therefore an African. We also know that he was white, member of the white segregationist elite and of Dutch descent. Just because Cleopatra was born in Africa does not make her black. The historical reality an...
What does it take to run a responsible business? On the latest episode of theTake on Tomorrowpodcast, Charles Conn, Patagonia Board Chair, shares how to align ethics with profit, offering lessons in balancing purpose with performance. Listen now ...
I guess to make up for killing so many of them. The blankets were also rumored to be infested with smallpox. Blaxican Mixed Races Black/Mexican mix. Pioneered by the Black/Mexican hip-hop group "Delinquent Habits". Bleach Boy Whites Because bleach whitens things Bleck Blacks Sounds like ...
The racial identity of Mixed-Race South Africans is made invisible within dominant power structures and mainstream social discourse. Those who choose not to identify with only one side of their racial makeup, or the previously prescribed category of Coloured, fall into the 'Other/Unspecified' ...
Recruitment policies that determine the racial and ethnic makeup of a police force can significantly affect the relationships between the police and minorities. Although it is no guarantee of harmony, it is desirable that the racial and ethniccompositionof the force reflect that of the larger commun...
We assume that race is a stable and essential part of our makeup, a ground to our identity. This article, however, is about people who could raise their hands if they were asked a similar question. It turns out that there are people who have changed their race or another primary ...