3 p53 mutants (mutp53) are being overexpressed and accumulated to very high levels in cancer cells;4 however, they are unable to recognize wt-p53 DNA-binding sites causing a loss of p53 tumor suppressor function. Furthermore, mutp53 acts as a dominant negative through hetero-oligomerization, ...
Experiments using cancer cell lines and mouse models show that targeted depletion of GOF mutp53 in cancer cells causes decreased cell viability and proliferation leading to tumor regression1. While the activation of WT p53 and the knockdown of mutp53 can kill cancer cells expressing these proteins,...
In contrast to the open and tetrameric conformation of TAp73α,34TAp63αadopts a closed and only dimeric state.35The C-terminal part of the TI domain that is important for the interaction with mutp53 is not accessible in the closed conformation of TAp63αbecause it is essential for the in...