and dnorm maybe useful in computing the negative log-likelihood.) (d) Use your function negll to evaluate and print out the negative log-likelihood for the data in trnormal.dat for a few sensible values of µ and σ. (e) Use the R function nlm to find and print out the maximum li...
简短回答:car::dataEllipse使用F统计量截止值(类似于Student t分布截止值,考虑方差估计的不确定性)。
a function named my_det() which takes a square matrix and returns the value of its determinant. Your function should check if the input matrix is a square matrix and return the error message “Input matrix is not a square matrix.” when necessary. ...
with data assumed to be coming from our data generating model. Create a function named mypaired.pval that generate realizations of the random p-value of this test. Your function should have the following arguments • mu1, mean of X
will be treated in the default way. An alternative for fixing constants is the function fixConstants. 因此我们可以如下定义模型 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MA <-array(c(1,-1.5,0.5),c(3,1,1)) C <-array(c(0,0,0,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5),c(5,1,1)) ...
density as an R function. Use your function to plot this density for enough values of z between -1 and 10 to make the plot look smooth. (d) Implement an importance sampler using a N(µ, σ2) as the proposal density. Again, use 1,000 ...
The function I(C) is the indicator function, taking the value 1 if the condition C is true and 0 if the condition C is false. (a) Download the data trnormal.dat from the G3 Moodle page. Read it into R using scan. (b) Obtain summary statistics for the data and plot a histogram...