与栈类似,队列的底层数据结构也可以使用数组和链表来实现,具体如下图所示:队列的基本操作和应用队列的基本操作与栈类似,主要是分为入队(enqueue)和出队(dequeue),我们以数组为例,简单描述一下具体过程。1. 入队入队就是把新元素放入队列中去,由于队列的数据结构的限制,只允许将新入队元素放入队尾的位置,...
The code example creates a queue of strings with default capacity and uses the Enqueue method to queue five strings. The elements of the queue are enumerated, which does not change the state of the queue. TheDequeuemethod is used to dequeue the first string. ThePeekmethod is used to look ...
Enqueuemethod to queue five strings. The elements of the queue are enumerated, which does not change the state of the queue. TheDequeuemethod is used to dequeue the first string. ThePeekmethod is used to look at the next item in the queue, and then theDequeuemethod is used to dequeue ...
queue.Enqueue("First"); queue.Enqueue("Second"); queue.Enqueue("Third"); // 查看队首 Console.WriteLine($"Peek: {queue.Peek()}"); // 输出:First // 移除元素 Console.WriteLine($"Dequeue: {queue.Dequeue()}"); // 输出:First // 剩余元素 foreach (var item in queue) { Console.WriteL...
两个主要操作:队列支持两个基本操作,即入队(Enqueue)和出队(Dequeue)。 队首:位于队列前端的元素是最早加入队列的元素,是唯一一个可以访问的元素。 队尾:位于队列尾端的元素是最新加入队列的元素。 限制大小:队列可以有固定或动态大小,通常有容量限制。
Queue Functions in C Basic Functions involves: 1.Enqueue():This function will help in the insertion of elements from either of the ends whether front end or rear end. 2. Dequeue():This function will help in the deletion of elements from either of the ends whether front end or rear end....
Enqueue: 添加一个元素到队列的尾部。 Dequeue: 移除并返回队列头部的元素。 Peek: 返回队列头部的元素但不移除它。 isEmpty: 检查队列是否为空。 案例源码说明 下面是一个简单的队列实现示例,使用Java的LinkedList作为底层数据结构,因为LinkedList提供了高效的添加和移除操作。
開發者ID:PatrickWalter1,項目名稱:CbasedProjects,代碼行數:35,代碼來源:inn.cpp 示例8: main ▲點讚 1▼ intmain(){ Queue<int,3> Q;try{ Q.Enqueue(1); Q.Enqueue(3); Q.Enqueue(4);while(!Q.Empty())std::printf("%d\n", Q.Dequeue()); ...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class Example { public static void Main() { Queue<string> numbers = new Queue<string>(); numbers.Enqueue("one"); numbers.Enqueue("two"); numbers.Enqueue("three"); numbers.Enqueue("four"); numbers.Enqueue("five"); // A queue can be enum...
Enqueue("Test"); // Get next item from queue. Marks it as checked out such that other threads that // call Checkout will not see it - but does not remove it from the queue. var record = logs.Dequeue(); try { // Do something that may fail, i.e. a network call // record....