首先在settings - content manager - drive页面确保“override default PP filter in VR”被勾选,不然VR模式下可能会出现无论选什么后处理都会变成默认后处理的bug。如果你配置不行那么就彻底关闭CSP让游戏以原版形式运行。点击Settings -> COSTOM SHADER PATCH -> GENERAL PATCH SETTINGS,然后取消shaders patch active...
解决这个方法的途径是提高VR PIXEL DENSITY,经测试当达到180%会有明显改善,但是这会对机器造成极大负担,可能连半帧数也无法保证,由于ASW强行补帧画面会出现很明显的水波纹效应,只能降低resolution scale做权衡。 下面视频是在预设的VR HIGH上开启DLSS的效果,比起显示器游玩要磕碜不少,如果要爽玩本作VR,用RTX2070是...
There are people on the roster who haven’t been in game for at least 13 years. Anybody under 2,000 days has to be one of my alts In a way it was an MMORPG that experienced pretty much all the problems one could imagine, short of the database just exploding and losing all the pla...
and rendering directly to the Android display layer, an option in their Playback Settings) and I can confirm that there is no artifacting on DeoVR with "like for like" settings and using the same H.265 video file as with the AVPro-built app (renderscale resolution, refresh rate etc).....
The Quest 2 brings a bump in specs and performance in pretty much every aspect. Starting with the display resolution, which is up from 1440x1600 pixels (per eye) in the original Quest to 1832x1920 pixels in the Quest 2. That makes for a surprisingly noticeable difference. The screen-door...
As a general rule, all routers that we have tested worked best with their default settings (which is usually Auto for channel width). There's not much value in trying to match the native resolution of the panel in the headset. The reason is that you can't avoid scaling because there's...
(映维网Nweon2023年07月11日)为了帮助提高VR应用的清晰度和质量,Meta日前正式发布了Super Resolutio超级分辨率。Super Resolution是一种基于Snapdragon Game Super Resolution且针对VR优化的边缘感知缩放和锐化算法,是与高通合作开发的Quest性能优化技术。 VR合成器 ...
(映维网Nweon 2023年07月11日)为了帮助提高VR应用的清晰度和质量,Meta日前正式发布了Super Resolutio超级分辨率。Super Resolution是一种基于Snapdragon Game Super Resolution且针对VR优化的边缘感知缩放和锐化算法,是与高通合作开发的Quest性能优化技术。 VR合成器 ...
- High resolution support (Nokia Lumia 1020/1520) - Zoom - Contrast - Brightness - Saturation - Sharpen/Blur - White balance - Shutter - Scene mode - ISO - Manual focus - Auto focus mode - Focus illumination mode - Manual temperature adjustment - Ratio: 4:3/16:9/1:1 - Grids: Rule ...
has switched into full-screen mode. It detects that based on which resolution the game picks. CrossOver makes available all of your display's real resolutions, plus one fake one which is your normal desktop size which excludes the menu bar. If the game asks for the fake resolution, ...