我这里推荐默认或关闭(Default&off) EncodeResolutionWidth: 这个设置影响我们编码画质的分辨率宽度,首先我们要知道一些基本参数, Quest2单眼屏幕分辨率:1832x1920 Quest3单眼屏幕分辨率:2064x2208 这意味着Quest2的游戏渲染分辨率为:3664x1920 所以如果你用的是Quest2,那么这个选项应该填写3664,这样就能获得1:1的点对点渲...
Encode Resolution(编码分辨率,开高改善模糊,但是吃显存):由于Oculus Link是把图像进行编码后通过线缆发送给头显的,所以相对那些直连的PCVR头显,多了一个编解码过程,编码分辨率就是控制图像编码后的分辨率,这个一定要开到3648,这也是Oculus Link默认情况下比较模糊的重要原因之一。 Bitrate(码率,开高改善模糊,但吃显存)...
首先在settings - content manager - drive页面确保“override default PP filter in VR”被勾选,不然VR模式下可能会出现无论选什么后处理都会变成默认后处理的bug。如果你配置不行那么就彻底关闭CSP让游戏以原版形式运行。点击Settings -> COSTOM SHADER PATCH -> GENERAL PATCH SETTINGS,然后取消shaders patch active...
CategoryMeta Quest 2 Display Type RGB-stripe fast-switching LCD Display Resolution 1832x1920 per eye Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Memory 6GB Storage 128GB or 256GB Wireless Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 LE Ports USB Type-C, 3.5mm audio jack Audio Built-in speakers, support for...
The resolution difference is noticeable right away. Between the extra sharpness and the smoother motion of the 90Hz display, stepping up to the menu in Quest 2 feels a bit morerealthan with the original Quest. As some know, the move from OLED to LCD comes with some downsides too. Most ...
Go to page: Oculus Quest 2 Tested: Benchmarks and Performance We compared the Quest 2 against the outgoing Quest in a small number of games. These tests aimed to determine if the increased resolution has a discernible impact on frame rate and frame time performance. Oculus Quest 2 Benchmar...
Gun Club VR (New update with resolution boost for Quest 3 and added support for its 90Hz Display)First Hand2MD: VR Football Unleashed 橄榄球街机VR游戏Eleven Table Tennis 致胜11分乒乓球YUKI Space Ranger 动漫画风VR射击Noun Town Language Learning 沉浸式语言学习VR应用PianoVision VR钢琴Kartoffl 全新...
Resolution isn’t the only factor that matters — the Valve Index has the old Rift’s resolution, but its larger field of view and higher refresh rate make the screen expansive and crisp. Even with the update, the Quest 2 screen isn’t transformationally different from the Quest’s. But ...
Apparnelly that is too much for Quest2's resolution even on a 3090 lol. Or it is too much to transfer over wifi Anyway resetting to default scaling solved all that. The wife is happy. Just need to get a good replacement head strap Reactions: Mindweaver ...
Anyway, I ended up down the editorial sink hole because in forking the code there are some extra steps you have to take if you wish to play on the new server because it does not use the default client. From the launch announcement: ...