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Minimal quantum walk simulation of Dirac fermions in curved space-times. Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. 10, 317–327 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40509-023-00297-1 Download citation Received13 March 2022 Accepted23 January 2023 Published06 March 2023 Issue DateAugust 2023 DOIhttps://doi....
Analogue Hamiltonian simulation is a promising near-term application of quantum computing and has recently been put on a theoretical footing alongside expe
Ultracold quantum gases offer a unique setting for quantum simulation of interacting many-body systems. The high degree of controllability, the novel detection possibilities and the extreme physical parameter regimes that can be reached in these ‘artificial solids’ provide an exciting complementary set...
Fermions and the Dirac equation(上) http://theoreticalminimum.com/courses/advanced-quantum-mechanics/2013/fall Advanced Quantum Mechanics Fall, 2013 Building on Professor Susskind’s previous Continuing Studies courses on quantum mechanics, this course
hi guys i am trying to solve the Asymptotic differential equation of the Quantum Harmonic oscillator using power series method and i am kinda stuck : $$y'' = (x^{2}-ε)y$$ the asymptotic equation becomes : $$y'' ≈ x^{2}y$$ using the power series method ##y(x) = \sum_{0...
Quantum simulation of Dirac fermion mode, Majorana fermion mode and Majorana-Weyl fermion mode in cavity QED lattice. Euro. Phys. Lett. 110, 64003 (2015). Article ADS Google Scholar Sarkar, S. Quantum phase transition of light in coupled cavity arrays: A renormalization group study. Adv. ...
The physical consequences of these results may be demonstrated in the following experiment.K0particles are produced in anuclear reactionat the point A (Figure 7). They move to the right in the figure and start todecay. At point A, the wave function is Ψ =K0, which, from equation (16)...
In a consistent quantum theory known as “non-Hermitian interaction picture” (NIP), the standard quantum Coriolis operator Σ(𝑡) emerges whenever the observables of a unitary system are given in their quasi-Hermitian and non-stationary rather than “usual” representations. With Σ(𝑡) neede...
This is to be realized by means of a suitable factorization (2) of the overall non-stationary Dyson map Ω(𝑡) entering the simplification ansatz (cf. Equation (5) below). An explicit illustrative example of such an eligible system will be provided and described in Section 6. We will ...