摘要原文 Previously (A. Akhmeteli, J. Math. Phys., v. 52, p. 082303 (2011)), the Dirac equation in an arbitrary electromagnetic field was shown to be generally equivalent to a fourth-order equation for just one component of the four-component Dirac spinor function. This was done for ...
Relativistic Electron Theory The Dirac Equation Mathematical Physics Project Karolos POTAMIANOS Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles Abstract This document is about relativistic quantum mechanics and more precisely about the relativistic electron theory. It presents the Dirac equation,a wave equation for massive...
fully on a par with the work of , , and before him.The Dirac equation in the form originally proposed by Dirac is :Dirac's purpose in casting this equation was to explain the behavior of the relativistically moving electron, and so to allow the atom to be treated in a manner consistent...
这是因为,一方面可能是我本人对Dirac场的理解不如对标量场,电磁场深入,另一方面自身时间有限,我做这一系列手写笔记的本意也是辅助刚刚入门的朋友读懂Peskin这本教材的第一部分,所以主张教材写什么内容,我解释什么内容,如此而已…… 3.2 The Dirac Equation (经典(非量子化的)Dirac方程) 匆匆结束……...
The Dirac equation is one of the most fundamental equations of modern physics. It is a spinor equation, but some tensor equivalents of the equation were proposed previously. Those equivalents were either nonlinear or involved several components of the Dirac field. On the other hand, the author ...
14、n must be a four-component Dirac Spinor A consequence of introducing an equation that is 1st order in time/space derivatives is that the wave-function has new degrees of freedom ! For the Hamiltonian to be Hermitian requires At this point it is convenient to introduce an explicit represe...
Fermions and the Dirac equation(上) http://theoreticalminimum.com/courses/advanced-quantum-mechanics/2013/fall Advanced Quantum Mechanics Fall, 2013 Building on Professor Susskind’s previous Continuing Studies courses on quantum mechanics, this course
Fermions and the Dirac equation(中) http://theoreticalminimum.com/courses/advanced-quantum-mechanics/2013/fall Advanced Quantum Mechanics Fall, 2013 Building on Professor Susskind’s previous Continuing Studies courses on quantum mechanics, this course
The Dirac equation with light-cone data: iγ 0 ∂ ∂t+iγ ∇−m 1u(t, x) = 0, u (−|x|, x = ƒ(x), xϵ R 3, is considered and explicitly solved in terms of a light-cone Fourier transform under appropriate conditions on ƒ....
Building on these fundamental principles, the theory allows us not only to derive the Schrödinger equation but also to explain the Born rule and the operator substitution rule12. There are a variety of approaches 18 to the derivation of the Dirac equation, but none of them is based on stoc...