In the rest of the article we want to introduce modified Dirac equation with energy depended harmonic potential(EDP) with the framework of minimal length quantum mechanics.The purpose of this paper is to provide a general equation of the basic ideas and results of quantum gravity phenomenology in...
狄拉克的个人魅力更在于其鲜有其匹的纯净心灵,他被誉为 “科学界的莫扎特”(The Mozart of science),“物理学界最纯粹的灵魂”(The purest soul in physics)。狄拉克是个淡泊名利的人,他把费米-狄拉克统计称为费米统计[3],把海森堡图景下的算符运动方程称为海森堡运动方程(Heisenberg equation of motion),但这...
Based on Advanced Quantum Mechanics by 喀兴林 Klein Gordon Equation Under position representation, the Schrodinger equation of single-particle is: iℏ∂∂tψ(x,y,z,t)=(12m(−iℏ∇−qA)2+qV(R))ψ(x,y,z,t) According to the classic relation between kinetics and momentum ...
Stochastic optimal control theory of quantum mechanics Let us express the previously mentioned fundamental principles of Stochastic Optimal Control Theory of quantum mechanics in mathematical terms. The stochastic equation of motion of the Brownian particle24 is: $$\begin{aligned}dx_\mu =u_\mu ds+ ...
Now If I assume that my particle is in one of the eigenstate |p⟩(|ψ⟩=|p⟩)|p⟩(|ψ⟩=|p⟩) then the equation for expectation value becomes: ⟨P⟩=⟨p|P|p⟩⟨P⟩=⟨p|P|p⟩ ⟨P⟩=∫∞−∞∫∞−∞⟨p|x⟩⟨x|P|x′⟩⟨x′|p⟩...
Fermions and the Dirac equation(上) Advanced Quantum Mechanics Fall, 2013 Building on Professor Susskind’s previous Continuing Studies courses on quantum mechanics, this course
In physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic quantum mechanical wave equation formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928 and provides a description of elementary spin-½ particles, such as electrons, consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relat...
It is shown that both the Foldy-Wouthuysen equation for the fermionic spin 1/2 doublet and the Dirac equation in its local representation are the consequences of the relativistic canonical quantum mechanics of the corresponding doublet. The mathematically well-defined consideration on the level of...
Quantum simulation Quantum walks Dirac equation Curved space-time Access this article Log in via an institution Subscribe and save Springer+ Basic €32.70 /Month Get 10 units per month Download Article/Chapter or eBook 1 Unit = 1 Article or 1 Chapter Cancel anytime Subscribe now Buy Now ...
classical and quantum mechanics, general physicsanalytical solutiondirac equationeinstein-maxwell equationselectromagnetic fieldsexact solutionshypergeometric functionsmassneutrinosnumerical analysisThe Dirac equation is solved in the rotating Bertotti–Robinson spacetime. The set of equations representing the Dirac ...