对于 Illumina 的QuantSeq3' mRNA-Seq 文库制备试剂盒中的barcodes允许在 Illumina flow cell每条通道上测序的样本多达96个。对于Ion Torrent的QuantSeq3' mRNA-Seq文库制备试剂盒中的barcodes允许在Ion Torrent仪器上多达48个样本一起进行测序。如此高的混样程度可以节约成本如同QuantSeq特定长度节省测序空间一样。
The patented QuantSeq technology targets the 3’ ends of mRNA molecules, for a quick and cost-effective gene expression analysis by RNA-Seq, as well as other more advanced applications. QuantSeq comes in different versions: QuantSeq FWD V2 with UDI –for optimal sample multiplexing QuantSeq REV...
QuantSeq Data Analysis Plug-and-play data analysis on Kangooroo Lexogen QuantSeq FWD, QuantSeq REV and QuantSeq FFPE kits come with a free voucher code for data analysis on Kangooroo, Lexogen’s interactive web-based platform for RNA-Seq data analysis. Analyse your data quickly and convenientl...
3’ mRNA-Seq 是基因表达谱分析的强有力工具 3’mRNA-Seq方法生成的NGS文库插入片段为多聚腺苷酸RNAs的3端,无需事先进行poly(A)富集处理(表1)。 表1丨常规mRNA-Seq和QuantSeq 3' mRNA -Seq基因表达谱分析方案比较。 *文库制备的总体时间,不包括QC 由于3' mRNA-seq每个转录本只产生一个文库片段,比对到给...
QuantSeq provides an easy protocol to generate highly strand-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries close to the 3′ end of polyadenylated RNAs within 4.5 h. Only one fragment per transcript is generated, directly linking the number of reads mapping to a gene to its expression. Qu...
3′quant mRNA-Seq of Porcine Liver Reveals Alterations in UPR, Acute Phase Response, and Cholesterol and Bile Acid Metabolism in Response to Different Dietary Fats This website uses cookies We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic...