n_bins = n_bins self.shortable = shortable def transform(self, X): group_ranks = self.factor_to_rank(X) positions = self._rank_to_position(group_ranks) return positions 这里我们使用了依赖注入的设计模式,TradingScorer将具体的仓位计算职能委托给Positioner,由Positioner的具体子类分别负责对因子、...
As in the case of binning, averages are computed over windows of the time series. The main difference is that a bin is constructed starting at each timestamp in the series rather than only the timestamps at the boundaries of the bins. Therefore, the bin intervals are chosen to be, etc...
As in the case of binning, averages are computed over windows of the time series. The main difference is that a bin is constructed starting at each timestamp in the series rather than only the timestamps at the boundaries of the bins. ...
bins int 否 20 分类个数,设置wbin=True或cbins=True时使用 cast_label_int bool 否 False 将标注转换为整数,一般用于分类学习 is_use_cache bool 否 False 是否启用缓存输出端 通用数据类型(Output) 名称类型字段描述 data DataFrame 标注后的数据,标注的字段为label使用...
Download and convert a model to safetensor, deleting the original pytorch bins: quantkit safetensor migtissera/Tess-10.7B-v1.5b --delete-original Download and convert a model to GGUF (Q5_K): quantkit gguf TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 -out TinyLlama-1.1B-Q5_K.gguf Q5_K Dow...
"df_aggressive_decrease['defensive_side_size'].hist(ax=axs[1], bins=50)\n", "axs[0].set_title(\"Mid Price Increase\")\n", "axs[0].set_xlabel(\"Size\")\n", "axs[0].set_ylabel(\"Frequency\")\n", "axs[0].legend(['Aggressive Side', 'Defensive Side'])\n", "axs[1]....
Bins QuanTub Nesting ToteQuanTub Nesting ToteManufactured of approved USDA/FDA materials, this tote is ideal in food service or dietary department applications. Strong and durable tote is injection molded from high-density polypropylene. Each tote can hold up to 100 lbs. Lightweight and economical...
A large n_bins_head would create shorter paths within the simulation as it would be more likely to throw a head, likewise a small n_bins_head would create more tails leading to longer paths. A possible application to this is a situation where a Monte Carlo simulation using the actual ...
The number of bins is reduced when reducing the resolution of an image, since the intensity information is decreased as well (Additional file 8: Table ST1). Currently, the pipeline runs through a 2×2 parameter grid, as shown in Table 2. The parameter pair (r∗,b∗) that maximizes ...
are generated on a regular grid of 100 × 100 bins, color histogram indicates log10(N) whereNis the number of SNPs projected into a bin Full size image We show in simulations that MiXeR provides accurate estimates of model parameters in the presence of realistic LD structure. Using GWAS...