i have an multithreaded qt application. when i am doing some processes in mainwindow.cpp, at the same time, i want to update mainwindow.ui from other thread. i have mythread.h #ifndefMYTHREAD_H#defineMYTHREAD_H#include<QThread>#include"mainwindow.h"classmythread:publicQThread {public:vo...
voidMyWidget::on_button_clicked(){ std::thread([this] {autoreq =doSomeRequest(); req.Wait();autores = req.response(); ui->lineedit->setText(res.name());// emit updateName(res.name());}).detach(); } But another case, it gives me a segfault. Does anyone have I idea what's...
使用connect(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), w, SLOT(SlotShow()));而不是直接使用w->SlotShow();。 关键代码 1//mainwindow.cpp2#include"mainwindow.h"3#include"ui_mainwindow.h"4#include <QThread>5#include <work.h>6#include <QDebug>78MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)9: QMain...
QScopedPointer<QObject> yetAnotherObj; }; 如上述代码,我们在创建了MyThread 对象后,obj, otherObj, yetAnotherObj 的线程依附性是怎么样的?要回答这个问题,我们必须要看一下创建他们的线程:是这个运行MyThread 构造函数的线程创建了他们。因此,这三个对象并没有驻足在MyThread 线程,而是驻足在创建MyThread 实...
在Qt中,可以: connect(object, &Object::someSignal, objectInAnotherThread, &Object::someSlot); 因此,当我将来自线程中的一个对象的信号连接到另一个线程中的一个对象时,Qt将对信号进行排队,someSlot将在objectInAnotherThread的线程中被执行。这个特性非常方便和安全,虽然可以复制数据。 C++11中的lamb...
A Qt application that lets you to extract audio, video and subtitle streams from MKV files Nov 23rd 2015, 22:20 GMT 503 downloads YaFlight 0.99.29 Yet another Open Source and cross-platofrm launch control application for FlightGear Jun 18th 2015, 15:39 GMT 478 downloads QuiteRSS 0.17....
// append another int list << 3; // We are using scopes to avoid variable name clashes { // iterate through list using Qt for each int sum(0); foreach (int v, list) { sum += v; } QVERIFY(sum == 6); } { // iterate through list using C++ 11 range based loop ...
一个弹幕说的很有意思:这本质上是面向对象的三大特性的UI体现而已。这是有助于理解的,先试着用一下吧。 主要的内容:建立tperson下的girl和boy对象,并且建立槽函数(听起来简单,但是视屏整整46分钟,之前的改变字体大小15分钟搞定,这把坐牢了) Ctrl+拖拽:可以达到对一个object进行复制的效果。
messages_ from the client.In addition, another thread can be started if necessary to handle APK installation or file push requests (via drag&drop on the main window) or to print the framerate regularly in the console.### StreamThe video [stream] is received from the socket (connected to ...
因此,我们把在 main() 函数中通过调用 QCoreApplication::exec()(该函数只能在主线程中调用)启动的消息循换叫做主消息循环。它也叫做GUI 线程,因为 UI 相关的操作只能(应该)在该线程中执行。一个 QThread 局部消息循换可以通过调用 QThread::exec() 来启动(在 run() 函数中):...