QML_IMPORT_PATH ${_QML_IMPORT_PATHS}CACHESTRING"Path used to locate CMake modules by Qt Creator"FORCE) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 一个重要的旁注是,${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/path/to/your/module应该指向模块所在的文件夹,而不是模块文件夹本身。因此,如果您有这样的路径:/path/t...
qml为什么有问题..C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\untitled\untitled.qml:2: error: QML module not foundImport paths:C:
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\untitled\untitled.qml:2: error: QML module not found Import paths: C:/Qt/4.8.7/imports For qmake projects, use the QML_IMPORT_PATH variable to add import paths. For qbs projects, declare and set a qmlImportPaths property in your product to add import paths...
07-22 10:51:35.806 25199-25283 A0F000/QtForOpenHarmony pid-25199 W libplanets.so qrc:/PlanetsMain.qml:51:1: module "QtQuick" plugin "qtquick2plugin" not found 07-22 10:51:35.806 25199-25283 A0F000/QtForOpenHarmony pid-25199 W import QtQuick 2.0 07-22 10:51:35.806 25199-25283 A0F00...
Are your import paths set up properly? [import] --- Warning: src/shell.qml:5:1: Scope was not found. Did you add all import paths? [import] ^^^ Warning: src/shell.qml:4:1: ShellRoot was not found. Did you add all import paths? [import] ShellRoot { ^^^ Warning: src/shell....
QQuickView view; view.setSource(QUrl("column.qml")); view.show(); re ...
If the QML modules are meant to be used in a larger project with multiple import paths, you'll have to do an additional step: Even if you add the import paths at run time, tooling likeqmllintdoes not have access to it, and might fail to find the correct dependencies. UseIMPORT_PATH...
Note: Import paths are network transparent: applications can import documents from remote paths just as simply as documents from local paths. See the general URL resolution rules forNetwork Transparencyin QML documents. If the directory is remote, it must contain adirectory import listing qmldir fil...
Usage: pyqt6-tools qmltestrunner [OPTIONS] Options: -p, --qml2-import-path DIRECTORY Paths to be combined with QML2_IMPORT_PATH --qmltestrunner-help Pass through to get QML test runner's --help --qt-debug-plugins / --no-qt-debug-plugins Set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 --test-qml-example ...
一般是在 main 函数中,如你在 qrc 中创建一个 prefix "/yourself/prefix/yourself-module-name": QQmlApplicationEngine engine; //其中 yourself-module-name 这个是不用写到这里的,Qt 自己会添加到查找路径里(qml 文件中的import yourself-module-name 1.x,) ...