# Python增加importpath的实现步骤 作为一名经验丰富的开发者,我会向你介绍如何在Python中增加importpath。首先,我们需要明确这个过程的整体流程。下面是一个简单的表格,展示了该过程的步骤: | 步骤 | 描述 | | --- | --- | | 1 | 确定需要添加的importpath| |2| 编写一个脚本来设置importpath| | 3 Pyt...
AddImportPath adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules. If this is set to something like engine.AddImportPath("qrc:/assets") , one can copy whole Qt/QtQuick qml/ directory to assets/ and distribute everything in single bin
AddImportPath adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules. If this is set to something like engine.AddImportPath("qrc:/assets") , one can copy whole Qt/QtQuick qml/ dir...