Write this to test.qml importQtQuick.Controls2.2Page{ id:page hoverEnabled:trueLabel { text:"Hello QtQuick.Controls 2"font.pixelSize:100font.italic:page.hovered} } openqmlscene test.qml Technical details System: (NixOS: 17.03.1623.138313fe01 (Gorilla) Nix version: nix-env (Nix) 1.11.13 Nix...
# Python添加import路径 在Python中,我们经常需要导入其他模块或包来使用其中的函数和类。Python的import语句允许我们从不同的位置导入模块,但是默认情况下,Python只会在标准库和系统路径中查找模块。如果我们希望从其他位置导入模块,就需要将这些位置添加到Python的import路径中。 ## 添加import路径的方法 Python提供了几...
AddImportPath adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules. If this is set to something like engine.AddImportPath("qrc:/assets") , one can copy whole Qt/QtQuick qml/ directory to assets/ and distribute everything in single bin
AddImportPath adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules. If this is set to something like engine.AddImportPath("qrc:/assets") , one can copy whole Qt/QtQuick qml/ dir...