SectionId.SomeValue 当在Qt快速设计器( Qt创建器中的“设计”选项卡)中打开该QML文件时,它拒绝加载该文件并显示QML module not found (SectionIdImportName),因为设计器不运行任何C++代码。如何让设计器使用使用C++枚举的QML文件? 我知道QML_DESIGNER_IMPORT_PATH和QML e 浏览25提问于2019-03-06得票数 1 回答...
QQmlApplicationEngine*e=newQQmlApplicationEngine();e->addImportPath("qrc:/Resources");e->load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/Resources/QML/Titlepage.qml"))); module路径添加完毕后,即可在qml里访问。 qrc:/Resources/QML/Titlepage.qml: import JS 1.0 此处可能会出现 QML module not found. 的报错,不...
I'm having a problem with Qt5.5.1, as import QGroundControl module from qgroundcontrol.qrc not being found. Weird thing is, it compiles just fine. Since the modules are not found, therefore I cannot tinker around with QML Design. Is there any solution for this problem? Thank you for ...
然后单击Design按钮。它显示错误消息:QML module not found。如果我使用Go to error链接,它将转到包含以下import 1.0的行。这是插件所需的各种组件qml文件的位置。我已经将路径c:\users\me\ui\viewer\添加到我 浏览25提问于2012-08-18得票数 5 1回答 QQuickView和QQuickItem有什么区别?
qml为什么有问题..C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\untitled\untitled.qml:2: error: QML module not foundImport paths:C:
Error: "QML module not found"Subscribe 4721 2 Jump to solution 04-10-2019 01:57 AM by SergioMoreno Emerging Contributor Hello, I am having some trouble trying to begin using AppStudio to create my projects. I've installed "AppStudio for ArcGIS (DeskTop Edition)" in my laptop. By now...
[import] --- Warning: src/shell.qml:5:1: Scope was not found. Did you add all import paths? [import] ^^^ Warning: src/shell.qml:4:1: ShellRoot was not found. Did you add all import paths? [import] ShellRoot { ^^^ Warning: src/shell.qml:5:5: Cannot assign to non-existent...
#include <QtQml/qqmlextensionplugin.h> Q_IMPORT_QML_PLUGIN(ExtraModulePlugin) ExtraModulePluginis the name of the generated plugin class. It's composed of the module URI withPluginappended to it. Then, in the main program's CMakeLists.txt, link the plugin, not the backing library, into...
I found problems on the current Yocto BSP release with Qt5 on Xwayland backend. Looks like it's not easy to support Video playback or Camera viewfinder in the Xwayland backend Qt's widget. In the Qt xwayland, looks like we can only chose the waylandsink as the Gstreamer s...
// WRONG! No namespace prefix - the Text type won't be found Text{ text: "Hello, world!" } } A namespace acts as an identifier for a module within the scope of the file. The namespace does not become an attribute of the root object that can be referred to externally as can be...