"Deep Learning Roadmap": 这个项目提供了一个深度学习的学习路线图,涵盖了基础概念、深度学习框架、计算机视觉、自然语言处理等各方面的主题。你可以在GitHub上找到这个项目:Deep Learning Roadmap。 "AI Roadmap": 这是一个包括人工智能的多个领域的学习路线图,包括机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉等。...
至此Pytorch 的开发环境安装完成,可以在开始菜单中打开Jupyter Notebook,在New 菜单中创建文件时选择Pytorch for Deeplearning,创建PyTorch的相关开发环境了 3-7章为官方网站的Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz的中文翻译,目前在网上看到所有中文翻译版本都已经过时了,所以才又从新翻译了一遍,确保与官方同步。
在2014 年的NIPS 上,同为上海交大校友的陈天奇与李沐碰头,讨论到各自在做深度学习 Toolkits 的项目组,发现大家普遍在做很多重复性的工作,例如文件 loading 等。于是他们决定组建 DMLC【Distributied (Deep) Machine Learning Community】,号召大家一起合作开发 MXNet,发挥各自的特长,避免重复造轮子。 MXNet以其超强的...
Learn the fundamentals of deep learning with PyTorch on Microsoft Learn. This beginner-friendly learning path introduces key concepts to building machine learning models in multiple domains, including speech, vision, and natural language processing. ...
MATLAB®and Simulink®with deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, provide enhanced capabilities for building and training your machine learning models. Via interoperability, you can take full advantage of the MATLAB ecosystem and integrate it with resources developed by the open-source com...
See thelogfor almost daily updates. About this course You:Are a beginner in the field of machine learning or deep learning and would like to learn PyTorch. This course:Teaches you PyTorch and many machine learning concepts in a hands-on, code-first way. ...
[11] Li, M. (2017). Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with System and Algorithm Co-design (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis, Intel). [12] You, Y., Gitman, I., & Ginsburg, B. Large batch training of convolutional networks. ArXiv e-prints. ...
A deep learning library for spiking neural networks which is based on PyTorch, focuses on fast training and supports inference on neuromorphic hardware. - synsense/sinabs
Thisbookisformachinelearningengineers,dataanalysts,datascientistsinterestedindeeplearningandarelookingtoexploreimplementingadvancedalgorithmsinPyTorch.Someknowledgeofmachinelearningishelpfulbutnotamandatoryneed.WorkingknowledgeofPythonprogrammingisexpected. 加入书架 开始阅读 手机扫码读本书 ...