Take the next steps toward mastering deep learning, the machine learning method that’s transforming the world around us by the second. In this practical book, you’ll get up to speed … - Selection from Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning [Book]
例如,特斯拉使用 PyTorch 为其自动驾驶软件构建计算机视觉算法。 使用PyTorch 计算机视觉,您将构建一个 PyTorch 神经网络,该网络能够查看图像中的模式并将它们分类为不同的类别。 5. PyTorch Custom Datasets——机器学习的神奇之处在于构建算法以在您自己的自定义数据中找到模式。现有的数据集很多,但如何将自己的自定义...
深度学习的tensor-映射与元素操作 ArgMax and Reduction Ops - Tensors for Deep Learning 第二部分:pytorch之神经网络和深度学习 第一节:数据和数据处理 深度学习中数据的重要性-AI中流行的MNIST 提取、转化、加载-深度学习数据准备 pytorch的DataSethe DataLoader-探索训练集 第二节:神经网络和深度学习 使用pytorch...
Chapter 4. Transfer Learning and Other Tricks Having looked over the architectures in the previous chapter, you might wonder whether you could download an already trained model and train it … - Selection from Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning [Book
Repository for scripts and notebooks from the book: Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning: Creating and Deploying Deep Learning Applications Download of dataset for chapter 2 (download.py) Since some links are broken meanwhile, you can also find a downloadable version of the image dataset here (zi...
为深度学习创建pytorch tensor-最优的选择 第四节:tensor操作 展平、重塑、挤压解释-深度学习之tensor CNN展平操作可视化-tensor批处理 深度学习的tensor-映射与元素操作 ArgMax and Reduction Ops - Tensors for Deep Learning 第二部分:pytorch之神经网络和深度学习 ...
Section 1: A simple introduction to PyTorch which can be ignored :). Section 2: Tensors (张量) are generalizations. Indexes requiredComputer scienceMathematics0numberscalar1arrayvector22d-arraymatri…
ArgMax and Reduction Ops - Tensors for Deep Learning Part 2: Neural Network Training Section 1: Data and Data Processing Importance of Data in Deep Learning - Fashion MNIST for AI Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) - Deep Learning Data Preparation PyTorch Datasets and DataLoaders - Trainin...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5cngxo4mIg&list=PLZbbT5o_s2xrfNyHZsM6ufI0iZENK9xgG 2018.9.3 人工智能 科学 机器学习 深度学习 Python Pytorch 评论程序员百科书发消息 关注371视频选集 16/33相关推荐 机器学习最全教程(麦子学院) 郭驴儿1 361 播放 · 0 弹幕 Quick Cut 你最得力的视频处理工...
【PyTorch 深度学习与人工智能】PyTorch Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence 2023-11 136 -- 1:11:34 App 【技术写作:掌握你的写作生涯 】Technical Writing Master Your Writing Career 2023-3 17 -- 54:23 App Modern React with Redux [2024 Update] 2023-12 28 -- 58:35 App Figma 动画、动态...