在python中,int()函数对浮点数的取整,就是采用的ROUND DOWN方式: >>> int(1.2) 1 >>> int(1.9) 1 >>> int(-1.2) -1 >>> int(-1.9) -1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. int函数虽然使用ROUND DOWN方式,但是是取整,得到的结果是integer。如果你的需求是要保留小数点后几位,就要使用decimal模块...
输出ROUND_HALF_EVEN,即Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer方式进行进位。 我们我们要进行正确的四舍五入,我们将rounding指定为ROUND_HALF_UP即可。我们来看代码: fromdecimalimportDecimalfromdecimalimportROUND_HALF_UP,ROUND_HALF_EVENnum_1=Decimal('0.125').quantize(Decimal('0.00'),rou...
I would not suggest using the round() method to get the nearest integer, it is because the round() method uses banker's rounds, which can give an expected (for normal use) result. For example: round(2.5) # 2 round(2.5, 0) # 2.0 This post has info about that issue. To get the...
defround5up(number,ndigits:int=0):""" 实现精确四舍五入,包含正、负小数多种场景 :param number: 数字类型 :param ndigits: 四舍五入位数,支持0-∞ :return: float """ifisinstance(number,int):returnnumber multiplier=10**ndigits floor_number=int(number*multiplier)ifnumber>=0:ifndigits>0:facto...
Tip:To round a number UP to the nearest integer, look at themath.ceil()method. Syntax math.floor(x) Parameter Values ParameterDescription xRequired. Specifies the number to round down Technical Details Return Value:Anintvalue, representing the rounded number ...
ACTUAL_SIZE = TARGET_SIZE.round_to_nearest(an_fs._resize.unit, rounding=ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(an_fs._size, ACTUAL_SIZE) self._test_sizes(an_fs) 示例3: test_round_to_nearest ▲点赞 3▼ # 需要导入模块: from blivet.size import Size [as 别名]# 或者: from blivet.size.Size imp...
Round a number upward to its nearest integer: # Import math libraryimport math# Round a number upward to its nearest integerprint(math.ceil(1.4))print(math.ceil(5.3)) print(math.ceil(-5.3))print(math.ceil(22.6))print(math.ceil(10.0)) Try it Yourself » Definition...
round(Decimal(2.55), 1)#2.6format(Decimal(2.55),'.1f')#'2.6' ps, 这显然是round策略问题, 不要扯浮点数在机器中的存储方式, 且不说在python里float, int 都是同decimal.Decimal一样是对象, 就算是数字, 难道设计round的人就这么无知以至于能拿浮点数直接当整数一样比较?!
self.y = T.matrix(name ='y', dtype ='int32') self.p_y_given_x = T.nnet.sigmoid(self.y_pred) self.y_out = T.round(self.p_y_given_x)#roundto {0,1}self.loss =lambday: Loss.nll_binary(self.p_y_given_x,y) self.predict_proba = theano.function(inputs = [self.x, ], ...
Anytime a float is added to a number, the result is another float. Adding two integers together always results in an int.Note: PEP 8 recommends separating both operands from an operator with a space. Python can evaluate 1+1 just fine, but 1 + 1 is the preferred format because it’s ...