round(10):rounds the integer to10 round(10.7):rounds the float10.7to nearest integer,11. round(5.5):rounds the float5.5to6. Example 2: Round a number to the given number of decimal places print(round(2.665, 2)) print(round(2.675, 2)) Output 2.67 2.67 When the decimal2.675is converted...
( Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer. ) 银行家舍入法的具体计算规则: •(1)被修约的数字小于5时,该数字舍去; •(2)被修约的数字大于5时,则进位; •(3)被修约的数字等于5时,要看5前面的数字,若是奇数则进位,若是偶数则将5舍掉,即修约后末尾数字都成为偶数;若5的后面还...
输出ROUND_HALF_EVEN,即Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer方式进行进位。 我们我们要进行正确的四舍五入,我们将rounding指定为ROUND_HALF_UP即可。我们来看代码: fromdecimalimportDecimalfromdecimalimportROUND_HALF_UP,ROUND_HALF_EVENnum_1=Decimal('0.125').quantize(Decimal('0.00'),rou...
python标准库的解释及翻译round(number[, ndigits])Return the floating point value number rounded to ndigits digits after the decimal point. If ndigits is omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates to number.__round__(ndigits).For the built-in types...
round(number[,ndigits]) Return the floating point valuenumberrounded tondigitsdigits after the decimal point. Ifndigitsis omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates tonumber.__round__(ndigits). For the built-in types supportinground(), values are rounded to the closest...
Round numbers down to the nearest integer: # Import math libraryimport math# Round numbers down to the nearest integerprint(math.floor(0.6))print(math.floor(1.4))print(math.floor(5.3)) print(math.floor(-5.3))print(math.floor(22.6))print(math.floor(10.0)) Try it Yourself » Definition...
英文文档: round(number[,ndigits])Return the floating point valuenumberrounded tondigitsdigits after the decimal point. Ifndigitsis omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates to…
to get it done, we can use an f-string like this: val = 42.1 print(f'{val:.2f}') # for more details have a look at the python docs result is: 42.10 13th Aug 2024, 12:42 PM Lothar + 4 I would not suggest using the round() method to get the nearest integer, it is ...
即Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer. 也就是只有在整数部分是奇数的时候, 小数部分才逢5进1; 偶数时逢5舍去。 这有利于更好地保证数据的精确性, 并在实验数据处理中广为使用。 >>> round(2.55, 1)#2是偶数,逢5舍去2.5 ...
ROUND_DOWN (towards zero), ROUND_FLOOR (towards -Infinity), ROUND_HALF_DOWN (to nearest with ties going towards zero), ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer), ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going away from zero), or ...