# Having proper_round defined as previously statedh =int(proper_round(h)) Tests: >>>proper_round(6.39764125,2)6.31# should be 6.4>>>proper_round(6.9764125,1)6.1# should be 7 The gotcha here is that thedec-th decimal can be 9 and if thedec+1-th digit >=5 the 9 will become a ...
即Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer. 也就是只有在整数部分是奇数的时候, 小数部分才逢5进1; 偶数时逢5舍去。 这有利于更好地保证数据的精确性, 并在实验数据处理中广为使用。 >>> round(2.55, 1)#2是偶数,逢5舍去2.5 >>> format(2.55,'.1f')'2.5'>>> round(1.55, 1)...
ROUND_HALF_UP表示Round to nearest with ties going away from zero的进位方式,即真正的四舍五入。 注意,Decimal是可以接受浮点数为参数的,我们来看一下: num_3=Decimal(11.245).quantize(Decimal('0.00'),rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)num_4=Decimal('11.245').quantize(Decimal('0.00'),rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)...
Here, I have illustrated the versatility of thenp.round() function in Pythonand considered its applications with different parameters: rounding an array to a specific number of decimal places, adjusting values to the nearest integer, or directly storing the rounded results in a pre-allocated array...
As a final remark, let me also note, that if you had wanted to round 101–149 to 100 and round 150–199 to 200, e.g., round to the nearest hundred, then the built-in round function can do that for you:>>> int(round(130, -2)) 100 >>> int(round(170, -2)) 200 ...
round(x.value).astype(int) # Round to the nearest integer and convert to int # Create a DataFrame for the solution solution_df = pd.DataFrame(solution, index=supply_nodes, columns=demand_nodes) print("Optimal Value (Total Transportation Cost):", result) print("Solution (Transportation Plan)...
importmathdefround_to_nearest_multiple_of_5(number):return5*round(number/5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 方法二:使用整除运算符// 另一种方法是使用整除运算符//,它可以将一个数除以另一个数并返回最接近的整数值。我们可以利用这个运算符来实现对一个数按照5的倍数取整的操作。
Tip:To round a number UP to the nearest integer, look at themath.ceil()method. Syntax Parameter Values ParameterDescription xRequired. Specifies the number to round down Technical Details Return Value:Anintvalue, representing the rounded number ...
在上述示例中,我们定义了一个名为round_to_nearest_even的函数,它接受一个数字作为参数,并使用floor函数将该数字除以2后向下取整,然后再乘以2,从而得到最接近的偶数。 请注意,这种方法只适用于正数和负数。如果要处理小数部分为0.5的情况,可以使用其他方法,例如使用round函数进行四舍五入,然后再进行偶数舍...
To round every value down to the nearest integer, use np.floor(): Python >>> np.floor(data) array([[-1., -3., -1., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., 0.], [-1., -1., 0., -1.]]) You can also truncate each value to its integer component with np.trunc(): Python >>>...