from pdfminer.high_level import extract_textpdf_file = open('example.pdf', 'rb')text = extract_text(pdf_file)pdf_file.close()print(text) 二、从图片提取文字 2.1 PIL(Python Imaging Library)和OCRopus4 使用PIL库可以方便地读取和处理图像文件,包括将图像转换为灰度图像、去除噪声、二值化等预处理...
方法extractText()将成为我们在此任务中的朋友。 让我向您展示执行此操作的完整脚本,而不是上面我仅向您显示执行操作所需的脚本。 从PDF文档中提取文本的脚本如下: import PyPDF2 pdf_file = open('sample.pdf') read_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file) number_of_pages = read_pdf.getNumPages() pag...
#Getting access to the page object page = pdf_reader.getPage(i) #Extracting the text from the page object text = page.extractText() print(text) PyMuPDF PyMuPDF is a Python wrapper for the MuPDF library. MuPDF is a lightweight document viewer, renderer, and toolkit. It supports a wide ...
Python library to extract text from any file type compatiable with TIKA. It defaults to OCR when text extraction of a PDF file fails. Dependencies Apache Tika Ghostscript Tesseract Xpdf Installation Download tika-server-1.7.jar from Apache Tika Mac: brew install ghostscripts Ubuntu: sudo apt-get...
1.在网上搜索swf转pdf,出来了几个在线网站,但是我测试了一下,都转换不出来,好像是这个swf文件不标准。 其实,即使在线网站能转换,我这也没法用,因为下载后的swf文件有17万多个,我没法一个个上传,在线网站也没法承受这么大的流量。 2.搜索swf转jpg,在52Pojie上发现了一个软件reaConverterPro,试了一下,确实能转换...
安装依赖库:首先,需要安装Python的PDF处理库,如PyPDF2、pdfminer、pdfplumber等。可以使用pip命令进行安装,例如:pip install PyPDF2。 提取文本:使用PDF处理库打开PDF文件,并使用相应的方法提取文本内容。例如,使用PyPDF2库可以使用以下代码提取文本: 代码语言:txt 复制 import PyPDF2 def extract_text_from_p...
Using the same code to read a pdf from 201308FCR.pdf .The output is normal. Its documentation explains why: def extractText(self): """ Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the content stream, and extract the text. This works well for some PDF files, but...
WAV2SWF Converts WAV audio files to SWFs, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder library. AVI2SWF Converts AVI animation files to SWF. It supports Flash MX H.263 compression. Some examples can be found at examples.html. ( Notice: this tool is not included anymore in the latest version, ...
WAV2SWF Converts WAV audio files to SWFs, using the L.A.M.E. MP3 encoder library. AVI2SWF Converts AVI animation files to SWF. It supports Flash MX H.263 compression. Some examples can be found at examples.html. (Notice: this tool is not included anymore in the latest version, as...
PDFMiner: It is an open-source PDF library used to extract text from PDF. You can use PDFMiner to perform analysis on data. However, it only supports Python3. pdflib:PDFlib is a library for creating PDFs in python. This development library contains several levels for creating, personalizin...