在Python中,可以使用keyboard库来检测键盘按键的状态。具体实现如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 import keyboard def check_key(): key_pressed = False while True: if keyboard.is_pressed('pressed'): # 检测另一个键是否被按下 key_pressed = True elif keyboard.is_pressed('released') and key_...
首先需要安装keyboard库,可以使用pip来进行安装: pip install keyboard 1. 安装完成后,我们就可以开始使用keyboard库来检测按键事件了。 检测按键事件 下面是一个简单的示例代码,可以检测用户是否按下了Enter键: importkeyboarddefon_key_event(event):ifevent.name=='enter':print('Enter key is pressed!')keyboard....
首先,在代码的开头使用import语句导入keyboard模块: importkeyboard 1. 4. 定义一个函数,用于检测键盘输入 接下来,我们需要定义一个函数,用于检测键盘输入。在这个函数中,我们将使用keyboard模块的is_pressed方法来判断是否按下了ESC键。代码如下: defcheck_key():ifkeyboard.is_pressed('esc'):returnTrueelse:return...
# log all pressed keyskeyboard.on_release(lambdae:print(e.name)) Copy This will print anything you press on your keyboard. For more information about how to use this function tobuild a keyloggerfor educational purposes, checkthis tutorial. Finally, if you want to remove all keyboard hooks in...
如果需要监听是按下还是释放,可以通过event对象的event.pressed来区分。 2.鼠标滑动时,event对象没有button属性。可以添加条件:if hasattr(event, 'button'): 有button属性则是点击了鼠标按钮。否则是鼠标箭头滑动。 8.键盘 【键盘键入】导入核心类 from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller 8.1 按下和释放键盘 ...
defgetch():alphabet=list(map(chr,range(97,123)))whileTrue:forletterinalphabet:# detect when a letter is pressedifkeyboard.is_pressed(letter):returnletterfornuminrange(10):# detect numbers0-9ifkeyboard.is_pressed(str(num)):returnstr(num)arr=[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]playerturn=...
importkeyboard keyboard.add_hotkey('space',lambda:print('space was pressed!'))# If the program finishes, the hotkey is not in effect anymore.# 如果程序结束了,热键就不再生效了。# Don't do this! This will use 100% of your CPU.# 不要使用下面的代码, 它会占用100%的CPU。#while True:...
keyboard.press("1")keyboard.release("1")# 如果要同时按下多个键,那就输入多个键即可withkeyboard.pressed(Key.shift_l,Key.ctrl_l): keyboard.press(Key.f10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 监控键盘 监控键盘使用的方法和监控鼠标非常类似,依旧是实例化一个类Listener。
add_hotkey('space', lambda: print('space was pressed!')) # If the program finishes, the hotkey is not in effect anymore. # Don't do this! This will use 100% of your CPU. #while True: pass # Use this instead keyboard.wait() # or this import time while True: time.sleep(...
btnp(key, [hold], [repeat]) ReturnTrueif thekeyis pressed in that frame, otherwise returnFalse. Ifholdandrepeatare specified, after thekeyhas been held down forholdframes or more,Trueis returned everyrepeatframes. btnr(key) ReturnTrueif thekeyis released in that frame, otherwise returnFalse...