import decimal def float_to_decimal(f): # "Convert a floating point number to a Decimal with no loss of information" n, d = f.as_integer_ratio() numerator, denominator = decimal.Decimal(n), decimal.Decimal(d) ctx = decimal.Conte...
opacity or float(input('Watermark opacity (0-1 with 1 decimal place): ')) 8.2 异常处理改进 在处理异常的部分,我们可以更具体地捕获异常类型,并提供更友好的提示信息。 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 try: # existing code... except FileNotFoundError: print('Error: The...
Range of float in python with tutorial, tkinter, button, overview, canvas, frame, environment set-up, first python program, etc.
Decimal('3.45'), Decimal('9.25')] >>> sum(data) Decimal('19.29') >>> a,b,c = data[:3] >>> str(a) '1.34' >>> float(a) 1.34 >>> round(a, 1) Decimal('1.3') >>> int(a) 1 >>> a * 5 Decimal('6.70') >>> a * b Decimal('2.5058') >>> c % a Decimal('0.77...
>>> infinite = float("inf") >>> infinite inf >>> not_a_number = infinite * 0 >>> not_a_number nan >>> f"{infinite:g}" 'inf' >>> f"{not_a_number:g}" 'nan' >>> f"{infinite:G}" 'INF' >>> f"{not_a_number:G}" 'NAN' >>> "{:g}".format(infinite) 'inf' >...
Example 2: Formatting with one decimal place value=123.45678formatted_value="{:.1f}".format(value)print(float(formatted_value)) Output 123.5 Method 2: Using f-strings Python 3.6 introducedf-strings(formatted string literals), which are a more readable and concise way to format strings compared ... Added float intakes also. Jul 26, 2023 swapping of two numbers Create swapping of two numbers Oct 6, 2020 test.cpp Create test.cpp Feb 19, 2023 refactor: clean code Jan 30, 2022 text to speech Create text to speech Oct 19, 2020 refactor: cl...
Next, let’s calculate how much each friend has to pay for dinner. We assume that each friend is to pay an equal amount, no matter what they ordered: cost_per_friend = float(meal_cost) / float(friends) We have converted both “meal_cost” and “friends” to a floating point number...
在第一个示例中,我们进行了整数之间的计算,以创建一个已知截断问题的float值。当我们从该截断的float值创建一个Fraction时,我们得到了一些暴露了截断细节的可怕数字。 同样,第二个示例试图从float创建一个Decimal值。 它是如何工作的... 对于这些数字类型,Python 为我们提供了各种运算符:+,-,*,/,//,%和**。