在Python中,我们可以使用如下代码定义函数: deffloat_to_two_decimal_places(number): 1. 这里我们使用了def关键字定义了一个名为float_to_two_decimal_places的函数,并在括号内指定了一个参数number。 步骤2: 将浮点数转换为字符串 接下来,我们需要将传入的浮点数参数转换为字符串,以便后续处理。在Python中,我们...
下面是一个完整的示例,将字符串转换为两位小数数字: defconvert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str):num_float=float(num_str)formatted_num="{:.2f}".format(num_float)returnfloat(formatted_num)num_str="3.14159"result=convert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str)print(result)# 输出:3.14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
How to use string formatting methods to format a float value to two decimal places? Using the round function. Using the Decimal object and the quantize method. How to round each item in a list of floats to 2 decimal places? With that, we come to the end of this comprehensive guide. I...
圆形的工作原理如下:round(float_num, num_of_decimals) 所以在你的情况下你会这样做amount_per_day = round(amount_per_day, 2) 我还建议您将 print 语句中添加的所有令人讨厌的字符串替换为 f 字符串,如下所示: print(f"If you are going to spend {str(amount_of_money)} {str(destination_currency...
Next, let’s calculate how much each friend has to pay for dinner. We assume that each friend is to pay an equal amount, no matter what they ordered: cost_per_friend = float(meal_cost) / float(friends) We have converted both “meal_cost” and “friends” to a floating point number...
>>> num = 4.123956>>> f"num rounded to 2 decimal places = {num:.2f}"'num rounded to 2 decimal places = 4.12'如果不做任何指定,那么浮点数用最大精度 >>> print(f'{num}')4.123956 格式化百分比数 >>> total = 87>>> true_pos = 34>>> perc = true_pos / total>>> perc0....
We can use these functions to create custom methods to round up and down a given float value to two decimal places. Example Code: import math def r_down(number, decimals=2): a = 10 ** decimals return math.floor(number * a) / a print(r_down(7.852)) def r_up(number, decimals=...
celcius =float(input(": ")) temp_converter(celcius) output is like: 122.0 but I want 122.00. 解决方案 deftemp_converter(_value): fahrenheit = (_value *9.00/5.00) +32.00fahrenheit =f"{fahrenheit:.2f}"# Format to 2 decimal placesprint(f"Temperature in fahrenheit:{fahrenheit}") ...
python中 decimal不能直接应用于float数据 今天将程序部署到linux服务器上,出现很奇怪的现象。 在windows上运行正常的decimal,到了linux环境下不能正常运行,报出下面的错误。 代码为: income = get_dashboard_revenue(Project_id) TWOPLACES = Decimal(10)** -2...
我们在设置商品价格的时候,希望保留两位小数,FloatField是浮点数无法精确小数点几位,DecimalField可以精确几位小数点 DecimalField models.py设置商品表模型的时候,可以把商品价格设置DecimalField max_digits=10 整数位的长度为10位 decimal_places=2 小数点后2位 ...