下面是一个完整的示例,将字符串转换为两位小数数字: defconvert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str):num_float=float(num_str)formatted_num="{:.2f}".format(num_float)returnfloat(formatted_num)num_str="3.14159"result=convert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str)print(result)# 输出:3.14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
在上述示例中,我们定义了一个convert_to_float_with_2_decimal_places()函数,该函数接受一个字符串参数s,将其转换为浮点数并保留2位小数。然后,我们使用字符串"3.14159"调用该函数,并将返回值打印出来。 总结 本文介绍了如何在Python中将字符串转换为浮点数并保留2位小数。我们通过使用float()函数将字符串转换为...
print("Original Number: ", x) # Format the value of 'x' to two decimal places and print it with a label. print("Formatted Number: "+"{:.2f}".format(x)) # Print the original value of 'y' with a label. print("Original Number: ", y) # Format the value of 'y' to two deci...
rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP) return enforced_number # 示例使用 number = 10 enforced_number = enforce_two_decimal_places(number) print(enforced_number) # 输出:10.00
pi = 3.141592653589793 formatted_string = "Pi is approximately {:.2f} or {:.5f} decimal places.".format(pi, pi) print(formatted_string) # 输出:Pi is approximately 3.14 or 3.14159 decimal places.注意事项 在使用format函数时,有一些技巧和注意事项可以帮助你更有效地使用它。了解不同的...
Finally, you use the precision option to display a floating-point number using different precisions. You use two, four, and eight digits after the decimal separator, respectively. Unfortunately, the modulo operator doesn’t support the string formatting mini-language, so if you use this tool to...
The first method to format a number with commas and 2 decimal places in Python is by using the f-strings method. Here’s how you can use f-strings: number = 1234567.8910 formatted_number = f"{number:,.2f}" print(formatted_number) ...
Round a field's value to two decimal places. Expression: round(!area!, 2) Use the math module to help convert meters to feet. The conversion is raised to the power of 2 and multiplied by the area. Expression: MetersToFeet((float(!shape.area!))) Code Block: import math def MetersTo...
decimal 模块为快速正确舍入的十进制浮点运算提供支持。 它提供了 float 数据类型以外的几个优点: Decimal 类型的“设计是基于考虑人类习惯的浮点数模型,并且因此具有以下最高指导原则 —— 计算机必须提供与人们在学校所学习的算术相一致的算术。”—— 摘自 decimal 算术规范描述。
4.4 四舍五入到负数的小数位 (Rounding to Negative Decimal Places) print(round(123456, -2)) # 输出: 123500print(round(123456, -3)) # 输出: 123000 在这个例子中,负数的小数位数表示要进行“向左”的四舍五入,pz.fuxingpeizi.cn,。 5. 常见应用场景 (Common Use Cases) 5.1 财务计算 (Financial ...