在这里,我们使用filter()函数过滤了行,并在filter()函数内部指定了text_file_value.contains包含单词"Spark",然后将这些结果放入了lines_with_spark变量中。 我们可以修改上述命令,简单地添加.count(),如下所示: text_file.filter(text_file.value.contains("Spark")).count() 现在我们将得到以下输出: 20 我们可...
现在每个item是个列表了 print(rdd.count()) # rdd.foreach(lambda x: print(x)) # 并行执行某些函数,返回为空 action函数 gender_group_rdd=rdd.groupBy(lambda x:'female' if x[4]=='female' else 'male') # 按性别分组,[(key,results),(key,results),] for (key,value) in gender_group_rdd....
mapPartitions 带有返回值;foreachPartition不带。 转换得到的RDD是惰性求值的。也就是说,整个转换过程只是记录了转换的轨迹,并不会发生真正的计算,只有遇到行动操作时,才会发生真正的计算,开始从血缘关系源头开始,进行物理的转换操作。行动操作是真正触发计算的地方。Spark程序执行到行动操作时,才会执行真正的计算,从文件...
Process each row of a DataFrame DataFrame Map example DataFrame Flatmap example Create a custom UDF Transforming Data Run a SparkSQL Statement on a DataFrame Extract data from a string using a regular expression Fill NULL values in specific columns Fill NULL values with column average Fill NULL...
This line of code calculates the percentage of null values for each column: F.when(F.col(c).isNull(), c) checks if each column c is null. F.count(F.when(...)) counts the number of null values in column c. Dividing this count by total_rows gives the null percentage for column ...
int_num=df.count() 取别名 代码语言:javascript 复制 df.select(df.age.alias('age_value'),'name') 查询某列为null的行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 from pyspark.sql.functionsimportisnull df=df.filter(isnull("col_a")) 输出list类型,list中每个元素是Row类: ...
spark=(SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("Word Count").config("spark.some.config.option","some-value").getOrCreate()) DataFrame DataFrame为分布式存储的数据集合,按column进行group. 创建Dataframe SparkSession.createDataFrame用来创建DataFrame,参数可以是list,RDD, pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray...
Join Execution: PySpark performs the join by comparing the values in the common key column between the Datasets. Inner Join: Returns only the rows with matching keys in both DataFrames. Left Join: Returns all rows from the left DataFrame and matching rows from the right DataFrame. Right Join...