for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # 获取鼠标点击位置 mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 判断是否点击了特定位置 if mouse_pos == specific_position: print("Clicked on the specific position!") #...
x, y=pygame.mouse.get_pos()ifgame_status =="normal"and2 * SIZE <= y <=SCREEN_HEIGHT:#计算点击的是哪个空position =click_block(x, y, board_list)ifposition:ifmouse_click_type =="right":#如果右击方格,那么就更新其状态right_click_block(*position, board_list)#更新标记的雷的数量flag_count...
the mouse position is constrained to the window, and pygame will report continuous relative mouse motion even if the will report continuous relative mouse motion even if the mouse is at the edge of the window. *This function will flush any pending mouse motion."* 0 comments on commit d6e...
public Transform camPosition; private PlayerController playerController; private MouseController mouseInput; private float xRotation; private float yRotation; private void Awake() { mouseInput = new MouseController(); playerController = playerFaceDirection.GetComponentInParent<PlayerController>(); ...
0,0)) # 监听玩家键盘输入的运动方向值...() # 通过帧率设置贪吃蛇速度 clock.tick(8) # 监听函数,监听键盘输入 # msg: 按钮信息,x: 按钮的x轴,y: 按钮的y轴,w: 按钮的宽,h:...() # 获取键盘输入 click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + w > mouse[0] > x and y + h > mouse[...
ifbutton_1.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos): return1 elifbutton_2.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos): return2 clock.tick(10) pygame.display.update '''结束界面''' def endInterface(screen, score_left, score_right): clock = pygame.time.Clock ...
'# 显示消息已经修复好拼图了drawBoard(mainBoard,msg)foreventinpygame.event.get():# 事件处理ifevent.type==MOUSEBUTTONUP:# 如果是鼠标点击事件spotx,spoty=getSpotClicked(mainBoard,event.pos[0],event.pos[1])# 根据鼠标点击的像素坐标,获得方块的坐标if(spotx,spoty)==(None,None):# 如果没有点方块...
您还需要安装 IDLE 软件。从终端中输入“sudo apt-get install idle”。还需要根密码来安装 IDLE(如果您不知道密码,请让计算机的所有者为您输入密码)。 开始Python 我们将使用 IDLE 软件来输入和运行程序。IDLE 代表InteractiveDeveLopmentEnvironment。开发环境是一种使编写 Python 程序变得容易的软件,就像文字处理软件...