-> Rectlines(surface, color, closed, points, width=1) -> Rectdraw multiple contiguous straight line segmentspolygon(...)polygon(surface, color, points) -> Rectpolygon(surface, color, points, width=0) -> Rectdraw a polygonrect(...)rect(surface, color, rect) -> Rectrect(surface, color,...
(19+i*20) # 使用pygame.draw.lines()函数绘制线段 points = list(zip(x,y)) pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 线宽为1 points = list(zip(y,x)) pygame.draw.lines(screen, GREY, False, points, 1) # 重画蛇和食物 for pos in snake_pos: pygame.draw.rect(screen, ...
255, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREY = (211, 211, 211) # 淡灰色 def init(): global screen, screen_size global snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed # 初始化pygame pygame.init() # 设置屏幕大小 screen_size = (640, 480) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size) # 设置游戏标题...
It’s called every frame to draw the content of the screen, and it does that in two steps: Line 25 fills the screen with a color using screen.fill(). The method takes a tuple with three values, representing three base colors: red, green, and blue. Each color value ranges between 0...
地图只有在发生变化时(比如玩家移动或推动星星)才需要重新绘制。因此,mapSurf 变量中的 Surface 对象只有在 mapNeedsRedraw 变量被设置为 True 时才会通过调用 drawMap() 函数进行更新。在第225 行绘制地图后,mapNeedsRedraw 变量被设置为 False。如果想要看到程序在游戏循环的每次迭代中绘制而变慢,可以注释掉第 226...
因此,mapSurf 变量中的 Surface 对象只有在 mapNeedsRedraw 变量被设置为 True 时才会通过调用 drawMap() 函数进行更新。 在第225 行绘制地图后,mapNeedsRedraw 变量被设置为 False。如果想要看到程序在游戏循环的每次迭代中绘制而变慢,可以注释掉第 226 行并重新运行程序。你会注意到移动摄像头会明显变慢。 代码...
DISPLAYSURF.blit(IMAGESDICT['solved'], solvedRect)ifkeyPressed:return'solved'pygame.display.update()# draw DISPLAYSURF to the screen.FPSCLOCK.tick()defdecorateMap(mapObj, startxy):"""Makes a copy of the given map object and modifies it. ...
PygameZero 游戏编程入门手册(全) 原文:Beginning Game Programming With Pygame Zero 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 一、创作电脑游戏 编写电脑游戏是让编程变得有趣的一个好方法,但它也有缺点。主要的缺点是,要制作一个可用的游戏,你需要写很多
The last line,self.rect.center, defines a starting position for the Rect. Later we’ll use the Rect’s coordinates to draw the image to the exact same location. If you aren’t careful, you might end up with the Rect and the Image in two different places. ...
Lines have zero width, just as points have zero width. Yet they still exist in space, two lines and/or points can intersect. To say a zero-width rect (a line) does not intersect with another when it obviously does is illogical. The lines and the "zero-width rects" (which we can ...