Marksmanship Hunter PvP is doing just fine in the Warlords of Draenor. Here you'll find builds, enchants, "How to" tips, and more for your MM Hunter.
Best MM and SV Hunter PvP Pets For MM & SV, pet DPS is less of an issue, so what’s preferred is a pet that applies some sort of stun, snare or slow – to your opponents.Wasps(2 sec stun) &dogs(4 second root) are both good choices if you wish to use a Ferocity pet. Howeve...
MM Hunter / Ret OR Preg Paladin (S-tier comp)Best 3v3 compsMM Hunter / Ret OR Preg Paladin / Disc Priest (Best) MM Hunter / Unholy DK / Holy Paladin OR Disc Priest (Best) MM Hunter / Feral Druid / Disc Priest OR Holy Paladin MM Hunter / Protection Warrior / Holy PaladinRetribution...
【搬运】魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外PVP(I like Sand Lots of Sand | Marksmanship Hunter) 18:18 【搬运】装等478野德野外PVP-还跑到联盟港口搞事(NO to the 2 SHOT BUILD - 478 ilvl Feral Druid) 12:52 【搬运】还是被dh教育了-魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外pvp(Arathi Training Grounds - Marksmanship Hunter) ...
Finally, Ferals do great damage, but they take a while to build up combo points and “pop off”, so you will also have a tough time against teams that can blow up your Disc Priest in a matter of seconds, such as Rogue / Shadow Priest or Ret / MM Hunter....
Pandaren Language, PvP Gear Vendors, Female Pandaren Hair, Blue Posts, SWTOR Future Diablo 3 - Demon Hunter - Inferno Diablo Build, Legendary Buffs, More Hotfixes, EU Account Security Alert: Riot Games, Blue Posts, Digital Strategy Guide Pandaren Language Even if you haven't liste...
Spellbreaker is supposed to be a wizard hunter essentially and mage bane tether fulfills that archetype whereas full counter doesn't. Full counter is better against other melee fighters thematically and practically. Counters work well in fighting games where every input is controlled but in a game...
17. Marksmanship Hunter (D Tier) MM Hunters are said to be less effective than other Hunter specs due to their lack of utility and inability to cause as many problems for opponents. WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 PvP Tier List for 1v1 Dueling ...
On 7/7/2023 at 2:19 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said: petting zoo? you mean minion mancer meta? you know that was guild wars meme right. Builds sucked so bad that MM, the laughing stock of the game became meta lol. not enough damage in the game to kill minions. wasn't overpo...
【搬运】魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外PVP(I like Sand Lots of Sand | Marksmanship Hunter) 18:18 【搬运】装等478野德野外PVP-还跑到联盟港口搞事(NO to the 2 SHOT BUILD - 478 ilvl Feral Druid) 12:52 【搬运】还是被dh教育了-魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外pvp(Arathi Training Grounds - Marksmanship Hunter) ...