【魔兽世界9.0】Soulscape220装等浩劫DH单挑凋魂之殇世界第一位(Necro Havoc DEMON Hunter | Slime Mount) 11:34 【魔兽世界9.0】神枪手碰到双盗贼-射击猎竞技场(MARKSMAN MEETS DOUBLE ROGUE! | Jellybeans Highlights) 14:00 【魔兽世界9.0】2600+敏锐贼双dps组合打出自己的竞技场最高分(We just hit our...
Treasure Hunter(50) (Slottable) Important Info for Magicka Sorcerer PvP Build Buff-food You have to make sure to use theSpring-Loaded Infusiondrink buff food. Otherwise, theBright-Throat Boastset won’t work. You can buy the recipe or the drink in the Guildstores in ESO. ...
Treasure Hunter (50) (Slottable) Important Info for Stamina Templar Build PvP Buff-food For this setup we are using the Lava Foot Soup and Saltrice buff food. This will boost our max Stamina and Stamina Recovery by a lot for this setup. You can buy this food for a cheap price in the...
Vampire (Dark Stalker, Strike from the Shadows, Undeath), Fighter’s Guild (all except Bounty Hunter and Skilled Tracker), Assault (all), Support (all except the first), Psijic Order (Clairvoyance and Concentrated Barrier
BM Hunter PvP Pet Builds There isn’t really ‘best build’ for PvP pets. PvP pet builds can vary depending upon your play style, but there are some ‘preferred’ talents and best practices for speccing PvP pets. Here’s what I recommend… ...
【搬运】魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外PVP(I like Sand Lots of Sand | Marksmanship Hunter) 18:18 【搬运】装等478野德野外PVP-还跑到联盟港口搞事(NO to the 2 SHOT BUILD - 478 ilvl Feral Druid) 12:52 【搬运】还是被dh教育了-魔兽世界8.3射击猎野外pvp(Arathi Training Grounds - Marksmanship Hunter) ...
3.7.1. Hunter New Talent: Deathblow. Aimed Shot has a 10% chance to grant Deathblow. Deathblow: The cooldown of Kill Shot is reset. Your next Kill Shot can be used on any target, regardless of their current health. Steady Shot now generates 10 Focus baseline for all specs. Tranq...
Seals can function as a raid debuff except needing application (i.e., hunter’s mark) long debuff that serve in different scenarios. Can be same as DH (magic debuff) WW (physical debuff) Warrior (atk power) except with less value but still useful or be completely new and bring appeal ...
Welcome to our Shadowhunter PvP guide for Lost Ark. This guide will cover the core aspects of how Shadowhunter plays, ranging from skills, stats and general build decisions to tips and pointers on how you as a player should approach the class. Whether 1v1, 3v3, solo or tournaments, this ...
Lost Ark: Best Sorceress PvP Build View the Full Best Sorceress PvP Build Here Lost Ark: BestShadowhunter Builds for PvP and PvE As one of only two assassin classes inLost Ark, Shadowhunters are quite different from everything we’ve looked at before. For that matter, they’re quite differ...