Monster Hunter: World already has a great, deep combat system, featuring 14 weapons with unique moves and qualities. Even weapons which might seem similar, like greatsword and longsword function in fundamentally different ways, and that’s not even getting to odd weapons such as a charge blade...
In between those marquee titles, the company also snuck in a port of a Monster Hunter spin-off and a tiny narrative VR game. It's that consistency — rarely letting a year go by without a release — that matters most for the health of gaming in the current climate. When development ...
Hunter Paladin Warlock Druid Priest Warrior Old Guides Mists of Pandaria Guide to Mogu’shan Vaults Raid Guide to Temple of the Jade Serpent Guide to the Arena of Annihilation Scenario Guide to the Fall of Theramore Scenario WoW Code WoW Personality ...
My only other glitch pet is Lone Hunter, but he's been sidelined HARD since I got my Fenryr. Fenryr just does it better in every way, and I would release Lone Hunter if not for the fact it was still a glitch pet. There's only been one glitch pet I've been mad about; Spirit ...
I spend most of my time on my Mage Skratch and/or my Hunter Skavage, two classes that I love. Both on the Alliance side. I could be open to changing to something else and I have numerous alts, but ranged DPS is my favorite…and lets be honest here…ranged DPS is probably the eas...
Once you’ve chosen your preferred Lost Ark server, you can choose from various classes and refine their build while leveling up. Complete epic quests to unlock Lost Ark Awakening skills and jump into PvP for exclusive rewards. Lost Ark is fr...
联机:可以通过给角色带面罩一类得服饰,掩盖住角色的ID;反作弊系统的完善;PVP的命中反馈;安全屋。模组方面:该方面比较硬核,方便模组作者更够更好的制作模组,模组作者们可以看一下:) 贴吧用户_... 3-8 0 僵尸毁灭工程攻略-购物就上淘宝,好货挑选更便捷! 僵尸毁灭工程攻略-好物集结,大牌汇聚,放心购!在线下单...
美服pc端ig公会招收ep阵营pvp选手 雪影肉盾 美端pc端,纯pvp公会,目前常驻成员较少,经常在线的只有4人左右,一般晚上开展pvp活动,招收各类职业pvp选手,可提供技术指导,build推荐,但是只招收喜欢pvp的玩家,进组最好上yy,服从指挥。 如要进会请留下id,以及擅长的职业。 长鼻子俄... 6-21 509 【Nirn Travel...
本吧热帖: 1-梦达斯之光(年度最佳贡献者奖)提名开始 2-奈恩之星活动参赛攻略 3-打野队n试炼到尾王莫名其妙给踢 4-远程半肉奥术pvpbd(个人终极版) 5-绷不住了这个时装。 6-想要个布莱顿女捏脸 7-奥术dd主手用电杖还是双匕首 8-怎么学习冷酷之力 9-这次检查什么时候能结束
好久没有来给大家发心得,一是因为前一阵子心态变化,玩了一段时间D3,二是因为想做一做wvw的成就,所以pvp有一阵子没打。 Afk归来一阵子,在美服和欧服的号排名都打了回去,然后经过这几周的esl+我自己的build思路+与几位顶尖盗贼玩家的交流,我将会为大家分析这版本盗贼的新心得,攻略,以及思路。 空头先生 6-8 ...