push-pull modelIn order to further develop the theoretical basis of environmental management accounting (EMA), a contingency perspective is used in this paper to explain the initial implementation and design of EMA in firms, based on internalities as well as externalities. Nine variables have been...
contexts. For example, Balakrishnan et al. (2017) employed PPM model to explain switching from online learning to online Social media learning, finding that push (i.e., e-learning perception), pull (i.e., convenience, social influence, academic reasons, ease of use, and social networking) ...
Then, we constructed a research model that explicates the push, pull, and mooring factors that explain the switching intention to cloud gaming and tested the research model using a quantitative survey study. 3.2. The Push-Pull-Mooring framework The PPM framework is rooted in the study of ...
PropellerAds is a safe bet for affiliates who are just starting out or want to take their campaigns to the next level but we’d recommend trying them in connection with other traffic sources if you want to get a feel for how different networks can have an influence on your campaign stats....
A``push-pull''modelof internationaleducationflows Manyfactorsinfluencethedemandfor internationaleducation.Alackofaccessto highereducationamongmanycountriesin AsiaandAfricahasbeenakeydriverfor muchofthestudentflowthathastakenplace overthesecondhalfofthetwentiethcentury. ...
Push-pull-mooringMobile learningSwitching intentionModerating factorAdopting technology by its intended users is one of the most important contributors to that technology's success. Therefore, the success of mobile learning (ML) depends on the students' acceptance of the method. Regarding this point, ...
1)the theory of push-pull推-拉理论 1.This paper, applying the theory of push-pull, analyzes the reasons that the ethnic minority of Dongxiang migrating on a large scale to Xinjiang after 1949.文章运用分析人口迁移原因的推-拉理论对解放后甘肃东乡族向新疆大规模移居发生的原因进行了分析,同时在推拉...
Dunning and Narula (1996) added the investment development path, which describes a five-stage development model for countries to turn from net FDI inflow to net FDI outflow. In each stage, the push and pull factors are determined. In summary, most variables—particularly in the third and ...
Compatibility, low monetary costs and peer influence all had an effect on perceived usefulness, which also lead customers to increase their intention to switch (Yoon and Lim, 2021). 2.10. Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) framework The PPM theory is a dominant paradigm in migration literature that ...
Many of such cells receive push-pull inhibition or surround suppression. We propose a computational model that exhibits a combination of these two phenomena. It is based on two existing models, which have been proven to be very effective for contour detection. In particular, we introduce a ...