Rosemary Wildsmith-CromartyAloysius N. Conduah
The objective of the study was to indicate social and psychological (inner) motives associated with the desire and needs of travelling to health resorts (push) as well as external motives resulting from destination’s attributes, and explaining the choice of the health tourism establishment (pull) ...
This study investigated the pull and push factors influencing choice of place and delivery birth attendant from the perspectives of users and non-users of skilled delivery services. Method: This study was a comparative qualitative in design where data was collected by focused group discussions with ...
This paper aims to examine the influencing factors of tourists flow with factor analysis,ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis from the Push-pull theory perspective.The authors provide a case study of inbound tourists from the U.S.A.The results are as follows.First,the paper identified three p...
pull'' model motivating the student's desire to seek overseas education and influencing the decision process in selection of a final study destination. Drawing on the findings from research studies undertaken in Indonesia, Taiwan, China and India, the paper ...
This article argues that social, cultural, economic and personal factors affect immigrants' choices to learn a new language in a 'push' and 'pull' manner. Conditions in the origin country and the immigrants' personal lives are referred to as 'push' factors. Conditions in the host community ...
Analysis revealed six main push factors that led those sampled to depart their home country and pursue their university education in the UK. Alternatively, there were 10 pull factors that encouraged GCC students to pursue their university education in the UK. It is imperative that UK Higher ...
Push and pull factors influencing female labor market decisions. Small Business Economics, 46 (3) pp. 365-390.Patrick, C., Stephens, H., & Weinstein, A. (2016). Where are all of the self-employed women? Push and pull factors influencing female labour market decisions. Small Business ...
This paper substantially examines the issues connected to the role and position of women in the Sudan, by focusing upon the education of women and their participation in the labour force within the context of the interplay of socio-political and cultural forces. The complexity of these forces ...
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of push and pull factors on the intentions of international participants to revisit MICE events held in Amman, given that there are very few existing studies on the topic. This research is quantitative and employs...