It describes a "push-pull" model motivating the student's desire to seek overseas education and influencing the decision process in selection of a final study destination. Drawing on the findings from research studies undertaken in Indonesia, Taiwan, China and India, the paper examines the factors...
Rather than "push", this new approach focuses on "pull" – creating platforms that help people to mobilize appropriate resources when the need arises. In lean manufacturing, early elements of a pull model began to emerge from Toyota in the early 1950's. As we will discuss below, however, ...
It describes a "push-pull" model motivating the student's desire to seek overseas education and influencing the decision process in selection of a final study destination. Drawing on the findings from research studies undertaken in Indonesia, Taiwan, China and India, the paper examines the factors...
“Push” and “Pull” Factors Influencing Junior High School Students Engagement in Child Labour in Fishing Communities in Ghana 机译:加纳捕鱼社区中初中生从事童工的“推”和“拉”因素 获取原文 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >>
This study investigated the pull and push factors influencing choice of place and delivery birth attendant from the perspectives of users and non-users of skilled delivery services. Method: This study was a comparative qualitative in design where data was collected by focused group discussions with ...
LBS context, this study extends the privacy calculus model to explore the role of information delivery mechanisms (pull and push) in the efficacy of three privacy intervention approaches (compensation, industry self-regulation, and government regulation) in influencing individual privacy decision making....
...5 2.1 Previous research...5 2.1.1 ‘Push-pull’ factors influencing international students destination choice...5 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载 相似精选,再来一篇 更多 喜欢该文档的用户还喜欢专业团队论文 分享于2012-01-03 15:45 更多>> 相关文档 null 热度: 页数:1 null ...
It also contributes to the past literature by proposing a push-pull theoretical framework to explain the influencing mechanisms of health service disparity on elderly migration from a geographical perspective. A Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood (PPML) gravity model with alternative fixed effects in a ...
Push and pull reasons underpinning vulnerable young people’s decisions regarding re-engagement with education and trainingAuthor links open overlay panelA. Portela-Pruaño, M.J. Rodríguez-Entrena, A. Torres-Soto, J.M. Nieto-CanoShow more...
pushpullfactors 系统标签: internationalstudentpushfactorsinfluencingdestination ``Push-pull''factorsinfluencinginternationalstudentdestinationchoiceTimMazzarolGraduateSchoolofManagement,UniversityofWesternAustralia,Crawley,AustraliaGeoffreyN.SoutarGraduateSchoolofManagement,UniversityofWesternAustralia,Crawley,AustraliaIntroduction...