How can i clear messages via slash command in Pycord? Since Pycord is kind of a fork, i thought i could just use ctx.purge(limit=X), but it does'nt work. Can anyone help me? This is my code: @bot.command() async def purge(ctx, amount: int): ... ...
获取频道对象 channel = client.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID) # 获取频道中的消息历史记录 messages = await channel.history(limit=None).flatten() # 删除邮件消息 for message in messages: if message.type == discord.MessageType.default: await message.delete() # 运行Discord客户端'YOUR_...
Are error messages user-friendly? Have all documentation changes needed been made? Have all non-obvious changes been commented? System Compatibility Are there any potential impacts on other parts of the system or backward compatibility? Does this change intersect with any items on our roadmap, and...
。解决办法如下: 一般此现象会出现在你手动修改mysql字段的时候出现,因为Runtime下的Data文件夹下的模型...
。解决办法如下: 一般此现象会出现在你手动修改mysql字段的时候出现,因为Runtime下的Data文件夹下的模型...