@bot.command() async def hello(ctx): await ctx.send('Hello, world!') 这里使用了装饰器@bot.command()来定义一个命令函数hello,当用户输入!hello时,机器人会回复Hello, world!。 运行Bot: 代码语言:txt 复制 bot.run('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') YOUR_BOT_TOKEN是你在Discord开发者门户网站上创建机器人时获得...
Fill out the .env file with your discord bot token & guild id Video Commands This is not featured in any of the videos, however feel free to explore the videocmds folder. There are 3 commands in there: !purge [channelname=current] [limit=100] -> Deletes X number of messages including...
Next, you should click or tap the blue “Add to Discord” button. Of course, you can take your time and explore what the bot has to offer. In fact, we recommend this if it’s your first time installing a bot on your Discord server. The MEE6 site will open a tab in a new windo...
galias: Bot-wide command aliases. Only the bot owner can add/remove them. gallery: Automatically clean up comments in content-focused channels. punish: Timed text+voice mute with anti-evasion, modlog cases, and more. purgepins: Delete pin notification messages after a per-channel interval. ...
For setting up the bot you just have to put this strings in a file: var modBot = require('discord-moderator-bot') modBot(token, prefix) Where token is the secret string that lets your bot login into discord (tutorial for getting it, not mine:https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc...
An in-depth logging system, auditing every action taken on your Discord server through Auxdibot. 💻 Embed Creator An easy-to-use embed creation tool, allowing administrators to build customizable and approachable embeds for their members to view. 👋 Greetings (Join, Join DM, Leave) A tool...
have applied. invisible is the best option for running the selfbot on a alt. you don't have to set the activity when running the selfbot along a normal client on your pc/phone. }, "tokenlog_protection": { "enabled": false, -- true/false, the main toggle for the tokenlog ...
Multi-purpose Discord bot used in the University of Windsor CS program's Discord server. Has commands to find campus buildings, add your year to your profile, purge messages, etc. - UWindsorCSS/uwindsor-discord-bot
构建脚本: version: "3" services: fluentd: build: ./fluentd volumes: - ./flue...
我正在创建一个discord.jsbotv12,当我不一致地使用value.split命令时,我在第2行得到了这个错误,我假设value.split不是一个函数,并且我想知道我是否应该做其他的事情,因为我使用的是v12ofdiscord.js:TypeError: args.split is not a function or its return:\Users\Kazzu\Desktop\src\commands\prune.js...