!purge Delete the bots last message(s) from all chats User Control CommandDescription !ban Ban a player !kick Kick a user !userinfo Get information about a user !whitelist List whitelisted users for shouting out when live on Twitch !whitelistadd Delete a Twitch username from the going-live ...
Single instance bots will have a shard count of 1. This file must exist in the bots root directory. Example ENV file: TOKEN: foobar SHARD: 1 A single instance of Dice Maiden does not require a sqlite database to operate. Passing the command 'lite' at runtime will tell the bot to ...
This is why Discord implements various security measures, including two-factor authentication (2FA) and phone verification. Although it may seem bothersome, it’s an effective way to ensure the safety of your data. Also, it helps eliminate bots, as their presence on a server can lead to more...
该命令可以工作,但并不像预期的那样。 我正在尝试在我的guild.js富嵌入中区分机器人用户和非机器人用户。到目前为止,它列出了所有用户,而没有将他们分开,并将undefined放在Bots字段中。这是我的guild.js文件: const Discord = require('discord.js') name: 'guild ...
song delete function % * fixed of the uber fail error % * fixed the !role new command % Yoyobot's Readme! Created with discord.py, asyncio, youtube_dl and requests discord.py is amazing, it was a lot of fun making this bot and this library was incredibly easy to use. Key ...
Update: I started working on a GUI version of the selfbot, which will use Electron.js instead of the OS's terminal, giving me way more options other than displaying colored text. The general design so far is a small window with a sidebar that contains all the "tabs", kind of like a...