获取频道对象 channel = client.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID) # 获取频道中的消息历史记录 messages = await channel.history(limit=None).flatten() # 删除邮件消息 for message in messages: if message.type == discord.MessageType.default: await message.delete() # 运行Discord客户端 client.run('YOUR_...
Solar Purge of course! Dive into the action as you destroy everything in your path with tons of unique weapons and abilities. Take on the threats of Nova Genesis with up to 4 players and discover the secrets of its ancient past. Choose the Hero That Fits Your Play-style! Engineer Build ...
When using discord.py purge with slash commands: i can only delete 1 message or i get an error I can delete one message or else i get this error message in discord: "The application did not respond" Or this error message in the console: "discord.app_commands.errors... python...
Hi, I have the same problem. MariaDB on Synology Server and can't be deleted. Not even by hand. The error message refers to older keys. Here is some solution from pbarvinko, but I have no idea where to check or set the individual points. Will anyone try to guide me, please? fuba...
Added more hidden CR caches Added new Vista near the Waterworks Known Issues Engineer’s Cryo Grenade can crash the game at random. We are still investigating a fix for this! Join the community atdiscord.gg/solarpurge Find us onLinktree...
。解决办法如下: 一般此现象会出现在你手动修改mysql字段的时候出现,因为Runtime下的Data文件夹下的模型...
。解决办法如下: 一般此现象会出现在你手动修改mysql字段的时候出现,因为Runtime下的Data文件夹下的模型...