The traditional pull-up, with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width; The chin-up, with an underhand, shoulder-wide grip; The pull-up or chin-up with a narrow grip (slightly less than shoulder-width); The pull-up or chin-up with a wide grip (a lot wider than shoulder-...
1. Wide-grip pull-ups By using a wider grip on the pull-up bar, you can place more emphasis on the lats, the large muscles on the sides of your back. This variation can also engage the biceps and forearms. 2. Narrow-grip pull-ups By using a narrower grip on the pull-up bar, ...
There are two basic forms of the pull-up – overhand and underhand grip. Underhand grip pull-ups are often called chin-ups, making it easier to know which exercise is which. Pull-ups and chin-ups work all of the same muscles and are largely interchangeable. In most cases, it doesn’t...
You must grip the bar narrow, just outside your shoulders, for this to work. If you do it right, the top position of the Pullup will look like the bottom position of your Overhead Press. Chest Lead with Your Chest. Pull yourself up by leading with your chest. Try to touch the bar...
Performing the pull-up with a wide grip helps you to partially isolate the upper back but it does reduce the range of motion, meaning that overall, the muscles will do less work. Narrow grip pull-ups Close-grip pull-ups Hand positioning is set close together in a narrow grip, either rig...
While the standard pull-up utilizes a grip width of about shoulder-width, close-grip pull-ups will utilize a narrow grip width, typically anywhere from just within shoulder width to both hands touching. The form will remain the same, with full ROM and a tight core being a vital aspect of...
Pull Down - Narrow-Overhand-Grip Pull Down - Narrow-Underhand-Grip Pull Down - Neutral Grip Pull Down - Rope Grip Pull Down - Shoulder-Width-Overhand-Grip Pull Down - Shoulder-Width-Underhand-Grip Pull Down - Wide-Overhand-GripPull UpsPull Ups - Narrow Grip Pull Ups - Neutral Grip Pull...
This close grip might not be ideal for some movements, as a narrow grip might overload the arm muscles versus the back muscles. Besides this, this budget pull-up bar provides a ton of versatility and strength to give both advanced athletes and beginners a solid workout. Best Budget Pull...
While there are numerous pull-up variations you can perform on a traditional bar (wide grip, narrow grip and mixed grip, to name only a few), there are also many that don’t employ a bar at all. That’s right, you can use almost anything around you to get a great upper body work...
Great for large training facilities with multiple athletes or for garage gyms looking for maximum space efficiency and versatility, the ergonomically designed Crown Pull-Up Bar allows users to train wide and narrow grips, as well as pronated, supinated, and neutral grip styles—all in one cross...