However, as previously mentioned, advertisers don't want to scare off customers with puffery, but attract them with the use of exaggeration. Another connection that explains the ''puffery'' meaning and use in the advertising context is the idiom ''puff out your chest.'' This idiom alludes ...
(Marketing)informalexaggerated praise, esp in publicity or advertising Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 puff•er•y ...
Subliminal messages in advertising aredesigned to engage people subconsciously. These ads use various colors, shapes, and words that enable customers to make small but powerful associations between a brand and an intended meaning. ... And advertisements have a long history of being subtle. What is...
AdvertisingFragrancePerfumePufferyPurpose – This paper aims to investigate visual exaggerations of fragrance advertisements by comparing subjects' expectations resulting from print ads to their subsequent product evaluations. It then considers whether the actual scents fall short, meet or exceed these ...
A study of visual puffery in fragrance advertising: Is the message sent stronger than the actual scent? European Journal of Marketing, 46(1/2), 52-72.Toncar, M., Fetscherin, M. (2012). A study of visual puffery in fragrance advertising: Is the message sent stronger than the actual ...
(2012). A study of visual puffery in fragrance advertising: Is the message sent stronger than the actual scent. European Journal of marketing, 46(1/2), 52-72Toncar, M., and Fetscherin, M. (2012). A study of visual puffery in fragrance advertising: is the message sent stronger than ...
The Federal Trade Commission's handling of alleged false advertising representations that are made by implication is examined. Alleged false advertising presentations are held to be implied to the public by the advertiser even though they are not literally stated in his advertisement. The FTC has ...