Psychotherapy for PTSD involves helping you learn skills to manage symptoms and develop ways of coping. Therapy also aims to teach you and your family about the disorder, and help you work through the fears associated with the traumatic event. Approaches include: Cognitive processing therapyinvolves ...
Learning healthy strategies for coping with PTSD is possible and can offer a sense of renewal, hope, and control over your life. There are a variety of areas in our lives that can be impacted by the symptoms of PTSD and, in order to work toward a healthy recovery, it is important to ...
Clients may practice several strategies for coping with intrusive thoughts in addition to identifying situations that may re-trigger traumatic feelings. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) - Trauma victims may experience moments during which they are flooded with memories of the trauma ...
SAMHSA: A Guide to Managing Stress for Disaster Responders and First Responders First Responders Foundation: Coping Strategies for Trauma Among First Responders Support for Those With Childhood Trauma The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Get Help Now SAMHSA: Recognizing and Treating Child Traumatic...
Coping Strategies in PTSD Miklos Biro , Zdenka Novovic and Vesna GavrilovSad, Novi
Self-Care Tips and Trauma:This website provides several helpful strategies for coping with PTSD. Psychological First Aid: The VA provides several manuals and handouts with lots of great resources and interventions for treating people in the aftermath of trauma. ...
Coping With C-PTSD Treatments for complex PTSD can take time, so it is important to find ways to manage and cope with the symptoms of the condition. Some strategies that may help you manage your recovery: Find support: Like PTSD, complex PTSD often leads people to withdraw from friends and...
8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing. by Babette Rothschild (这两本挺不错) Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy. by Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton, Clare Pain, Daniel J. Siegel (上面这本SP的书非常棒) Secret Survivors. by E. ...
Complicated grief: Coping with a pain that doesn't end How to identify stress vs. anxiety and learn to cope 6 strategies to curb the impact of survivor's guilt in the workplace Understanding and using the diathesis-stress model What is anxiety and how can you manage it? Symptoms, ...
helps decrease the symptoms of PTSD in general. Specifically, rehearsing adaptive ways of coping with nightmares (imagery rehearsal therapy), training in relaxation techniques, positive self-talk, and screening for other sleepproblems can be helpful in decreasing the sleep problems associated with PTSD...