synchronize the system clock to an external PTP clock. OPTION list:-C, --config-fileload configuration fromfile-g, --global-override enable global override of settingsinconfiguration files-i, --interface specify an interface to use-m, --management enable the PTP management messages-p, --priori...
2.4 config.config_item config_item是全局变量config_tab元素类型。 成员label为参数名 config_type为参数类型,如int/double/enum/string等等。 当config_type为int/double类型时,成员val、min和max保存默认值,最小、最大值; 当config_type为enum类型时,tab保存值; 当config_type为string类型时,成员val保存值。 f...
其中一些常用的参数的使用方法如下: -C, --config-file: 指定配置文件的位置,例如-C /etc/ptp4l.conf。 -i, --interface: 指定要使用的接口名称,例如-i eth0。 -m, --management: 启用 PTP 管理消息,例如-m。 -s, --step-seconds: 如果时钟偏移大于给定的秒数,则步进时钟,例如-s 1。 -A, --an...
ptp4l[76381.759]: config item (null).assume_two_step is 0 ptp4l[76381.759]: config item (null).check_fup_sync is 0 ptp4l[76381.759]: config item (null).tx_timestamp_timeout is 1000 ptp4l[76381.759]: config item (null).clock_servo is 0 ptp4l[76381.759]: config item (null).clo...
Now I want to update a parameter that is already defined in/usr/share/ptp.confwhile the ptp4l service is running. I dont want to restart the service as it takes 4-5 seconds to restart. As per my searches, reloading a service doesnt make the service read the config file (in this cas...
ptp4l的使⽤⼿册 .语法:ptp4l [ -A | -E | -P ] [ -2 | -4 | -6 ] [ -H | -S | -L ] [ -f config ] [ -p phc-device ] [ -s ] [ -l print-level ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -i interface ] ...选项 -A ⾃动选择延迟机制,初始为E2E,当收到对端的delay request...
Hi Joseph, The output is: phc-tai delta is greater than 50 usec ! TAI offset set in kernel is not correct ! Please verify ptp4l and phc config and
ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).assume_two_step is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).check_fup_sync is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).tx_timestamp_timeout is 10ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).hwts_filter is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config i...
ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).hwts_filter is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).clock_servo is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).clock_type is 32768ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).clock_servo is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).clock...
struct clock *clock_create(enum clock_type type, struct config *config, const char *phc_device) { // ... 配置时钟参数 ... // 检查网络接口是否支持所需的时间戳类型 STAILQ_FOREACH(iface, &config->interfaces, list) { // ... 检查时间戳模式和支持的模式 ... } // 打开PTP硬件...