Other Options-f [file] read configuration from'file'-i [dev] interface device to use,forexample'eth0'(may be specified multiple times)-p [dev] PTP hardware clock device to use, default auto (ignoredforSOFTWARE/LEGACY HWtimestamping)-s slave only mode (overrides configurationfile)-t transpar...
Attached is my ptp4l configuration file. How is ethernet bonding mode configured for ptp4l? Regards Billa 5 年多前 Michael Erdahl5 年多前 TI__Genius13495points Hi Billa, I found an older post on the ptp4l project page that describes bringing up bonded ptp:https://sourceforge.net/p/lin...
-f [file] read configuration from 'file' -i [dev] interface device to use, for example 'eth0' (may be specified multiple times) -p [dev] PTP hardware clock device to use, default auto (ignored for SOFTWARE/LEGACY HW time stamping) -s slave only mode (overrides configuration file) -t...
ExecReload: Although the service doenst have reload capability, from my understanding it wouldve been useless for my use case since reload wont re-read the configuration file i.e./usr/share/ptp.conf. Acc. toHow to ask systemd service to reload its environment variables on runtimeonce the s...
No configuration file is read by default. .TP .BI \-i " interface" Specify a PTP port, it may be used multiple times. At least one port must be specified by this option or in the configuration file. .TP .BI \-p " phc-device" (This option is deprecated.) Before ...
The config file is from upstream linuxptp git repo: git://git.code.sf.net/p/linuxptp/code $ ls configs/ automotive-master.cfg default.cfg G.8265.1.cfg G.8275.2.cfg P2P-TC.cfg ts2phc-generic.cfg UNICAST-MASTER.cfg automotive-slave.cfg E2E-TC.cfg G.8275.1.cfg gPTP.cfg snmpd.conf ts...
Hi, all.I'm building a Linux design based on microblaze\+10G ethernet, the configuration is doing ok but I have no idea about how to compile the ptp4l for MicroBlaze architecture. I'm using the tutorial in
PTP IEEE 1588 stack for Linux. Contribute to nxp-archive/openil_linuxptp development by creating an account on GitHub.
failed to parse configuration file /etc/default.cfg So... What is missing to "ptp4l" works as PTP Master Unicast UDPv4 E2E and all PTP1588v2 "Sync", "Announce", "Del Req" and "Del_Resp" are exchanged between Master and Slave devices in Unicast packets, not Multicast?
specified by this option or in the configuration file. .TP .BI \-p " phc-device" With hardware time stamping, force which PHC device (e.g. /dev/ptp0) should be used. .TP .B \-s Enable the slaveOnly mode. .TP .BI \-l " print-level" ...