synchronize the system clock to an external PTP clock. OPTION list:-C, --config-fileload configuration fromfile-g, --global-override enable global override of settingsinconfiguration files-i, --interface specify an interface to use-m, --management enable the PTP management messages-p, --priori...
-C, --config-file: 指定配置文件的位置,例如-C /etc/ptp4l.conf。 -i, --interface: 指定要使用的接口名称,例如-i eth0。 -m, --management: 启用 PTP 管理消息,例如-m。 -s, --step-seconds: 如果时钟偏移大于给定的秒数,则步进时钟,例如-s 1。 -A, --announce-interval: 指定发送 announce ...
option and in the configuration file must be attached to the same PTP hardware clock (PHC). This is the default time stamping. .TP .B \-S Select the software time stamping. .TP .B \-L Select the legacy hardware time stamping. .TP .BI \-f " config" Read configuration...
Now I want to update a parameter that is already defined in/usr/share/ptp.confwhile the ptp4l service is running. I dont want to restart the service as it takes 4-5 seconds to restart. As per my searches, reloading a service doesnt make the service read the config file (in this cas...
and in the configuration file must be attached to the same PTP hardware clock (PHC). This is the default time stamping.-SSelect the software time stamping.-LSelect the legacy hardware time stamping.-fconfigRead configuration from the specified file. No configuration file is read by default.-...
ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).check_fup_sync is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).tx_timestamp_timeout is 10ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).hwts_filter is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item (null).clock_servo is 0ptp4l[35843.709]: config item ...
Hi Joseph, The output is: phc-tai delta is greater than 50 usec ! TAI offset set in kernel is not correct ! Please verify ptp4l and phc config and
The config file is from upstream linuxptp git repo: git:// $ ls configs/ automotive-master.cfg default.cfg G.8265.1.cfg G.8275.2.cfg P2P-TC.cfg ts2phc-generic.cfg UNICAST-MASTER.cfg automotive-slave.cfg E2E-TC.cfg G.8275.1.cfg gPTP.cfg snmpd.conf ts...
config.h contain.h ddt.h designated_fsm.c designated_fsm.h dm.h ds.h e2e_tc.c ether.h fault.c fault.h fd.h filter.c filter.h filter_private.h foreign.h fsm.c fsm.h hash.c hash.h hwstamp_ctl.8 hwstamp_ctl.c interface.c interface.h linreg.c linreg.h makefile ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ struct config_item config_tab[] = { PORT_ITEM_ENU("network_transport", TRANS_UDP_IPV4, nw_trans_enu), GLOB_ITEM_INT("ntpshm_segment", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX), GLOB_ITEM_INT("offsetScaledLogVariance", ...