Overeating: treatment of obesity and anxiety by auricular acupuncture, an analysis of 800 cases Auricular acupuncture (placement of press needles) was applied at the stomach point (according to Nogier) and sometimes at the point of psychological balance (Shenmen) for the control of anxiety and for...
Psychoticism, intended as the presence of the core psychotic symptoms (i.e., hallucination and thought broadcasting) and a withdrawn, isolated, or schizoid lifestyle, showed both the highest strength centrality and expected influence, emerging as the most crucial node in the network. Since the Spa...
Precise treatments targeted at these mechanisms may be of help for people who have difficulties with compulsive overeating.doi:10.1007/s13679-017-0265-8Robert TurtonRayane ChamiJanet TreasureCurrent Obesity ReportsTurton, R., Chami, R., & Treasure, J. (2017). Emotional Eating, Binge Eating and...
it may help to talk to a mental health professional, whether in person or online. With BetterHelp, you can match with a licensed therapist who has experience helping people with eating disorders. Take the first step toward getting help with the psychological effects of eating disorders and...
Thus, symptoms of addiction to UPFs may act as potent risk factors for overeating behaviours and serve as a common trigger for the development of emotional eating and binge eating disorders (Gearhardt et al., 2012). Symptoms of addiction to UPFs could help in understanding how an individual’...
We asked whether participants received any help/guidance from a qualified medical specialist (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, counsellor) in the last 6 months, and if they answered ‘no, but I would like to’, whether their wish for help/guidance was related or unrelated to the pandemic. ...
For example, one study in this review, found that negative appraisals about trauma were associated with low self-compassion, which was associated with emotion regulation difficulties, which was associated with PTSD symptoms. Understanding this pathway and the patient's current experience may help make...
diseases (such as HIV and heart disease) through these direct biological mechanisms. Negative emotional states may also indirectly affect disease processes through their influence on health behaviors. For example, depression has been related to many risk factors for poor health including overeating, ...
M. (2008). Examination of predictors and moderators for self-help treatments of binge-eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(5), 900–904. PubMed Google Scholar Mastorakos, G., & Zapanti, E. (2004). The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the neuroendocrine ...
Listening to music isn't just enjoyable—it's good for you, too! Research has found that it can help your brain process information more efficiently, increase your ability to cope with stress, and even help jog your memory. Keep reading to learn more about the many different benefits of li...