1 求出在某 X 范围内的 最大值 求其最小 值 求取某 X 范围内的 最小值 求过冲时 的了大值 求过冲时 的最大值 (在某 X 值 的范围内) 求出峰峰 值 求出两个 值的差异 求出在同 一个 X 值 的值时 Y 值的差异 求脉冲的 宽度 上海银利电子有限公司 Pulsewidth_XRang e(1,begin_x,end_...
PSPICE计算机仿真SimulationProgramwithIntegratedCircuitEmphasisCH13FOURIERSERIES傅立叶级数 Decay(衰减)13.1PulsedSourcesThepulseparametersare V1initialvalue(volts) V2pulsedvalue(volts) TDdelaytime(seconds) TRrisetime(seconds) TFfalltime(seconds) PWpulsewidth(seconds) PERperiod(seconds)13.2FourierAnalysis Example22...
parameters that describe its shape as shown in figure 1. Figure 1. Parameters of VPULSE As an example we will simulate the simple RL circuit shown in figure 2 below. Note that the voltage input is a single 1-volt pulse that is 1 second in duration. Figure 2. Circuit with Pulse Input...
A Double Pulse Test (DPT) circuit is commonly used to evaluate the switching energy loss of power devices such as MOSFETs. One of the parameters it assesses is the behavior during turn-on and turn-off transition times. MOSFETs can be built using different technologies, such as Silicon...
Example:.DC VCC 0 5 .1 VCC 1 0 becomes.TRAN .01 1 VCC 1 0 PULSE 0 5 0 1 In many cases, it is preferable to use 23、 the transient analysis to ramp the appropriate voltage and/or current sources. The transient analysis tends to be more robust, and is sometimes faster. Transient...
One thing you can try is tweaking the simulation analysis parameters. I tried invoking AUTOCONVERGE, but that didn't seem to help. One thing you can do in a transient sim is to elect to not calculate an initial DC...
If so, I would use a separate Voltage source tied to the EN pins (Vpulse source) of each converter and configure it for your sequencing for the converter when you want to turn it on and off. Unfortunately, you will...
{REF} SOURCE 基准电压 VCLK 脉冲电压源 VPULSE 见电路图 SOURCE 时钟信号 VRAMP 脉冲电压源 VPULSE 见电路图 SOURCE 参考波形 U2、U3 比较器 COMPN COMPN 逻辑比较 U5 误差放大器 AMPN AMP 闭环控制 U4 2输入或门 OR2 OR2 逻辑 U1 RS触发器 RSFLOP RSFLOP 逻辑 PARAMETERS 参数 PARAM 见电路图 SPECIAL...
上海银利电子有限公司 器件 模型 模型 库 信号源 V1 VPULSE/Source 电阻 R1 R/Analog_p 电容 C1 CAnalog_p 地 0 0/Source 首先 ,我们要 来认 识一 下 关于 信号源 泉 的问题 ! 我们可以 发现 信号源 有 几个参数,这 几个参数 代表的 什么 意 思呢? 参数 含义 V1 初始值 V2 幅值 TD 延迟 ...