Focuses on the square-wave operation mode, the characteristics of inverter output voltage waveform of the PWM control of the size and basic principles. Multiplier is presented based on a unipolar sinusoidal pulse width modulation of the DC / AC inverter simulation example, the so-called modulation...
dividedintotwotypes:DCvoltagesourceisknownasvoltage-typeinverter circuit;DCcurrentsourceisknownasthecircuitofcurrentmode.Inthis paper,designandanalysisusingPSPICEphaseDC/ACinverterPWM controlcircuitmethod.Focusesonthesquare-waveoperationmode,the characteristicsofinverteroutputvoltagewaveformofthePWMcontrolof ...
.3 DRAWING A SCHEMATIC3.1Summary of PSpice Parts for ECE 65PARTPART NAMEPICTURENOTESDC SourceVDC/ SourceAC SourceVAC/ SOURCESine Wave SourceVSIN/ SOURCESee Section 4.6for more instructionsTriangle Wave SourceSquare Wave SourceVPULSE/ SOURCESee Section 4.7for more instructionsGround0 / SOURCEResistorR...
30 gives I(G3) = 10 + 20 * (V(3) - V(4)) + 30 * (V(5) - V(6)) H - Current-Controlled Voltage Source General Formats : H|name| |+ node| |- node| |controlling V source| |transresistance| or H|name| |+ node| |- node| POLY(|value|) (|controlling V source| ......