Many SPICE vendors try to pass off power semicon- ductor models using behavioral modeling techniques. Most SPICE vendors do not have the expertise to create sophis- ticated subcircuit representation 49、s. Behavioral models have their place, but in the case of power devices, they will usually ...
This application note will illustrate the method of creating nonlinear resistors using Analog Behavioral Modeling by creating the transfer function for a linear conductance. A conductance can be thought of as a voltage-controlled current source: the current between its nodes is a constant, times the ...
BR ideal maximum reverse beta 1.0 最大反向放大倍数 CJC base-collector zero-bias p-n capacitance farad 0.0 集电结电容 CJE base-emitter zero-bias p-n capacitance farad 0.0 发射结电容 CJS (CCS) Substrate zero-bias p-n capacitance farad 0.0 EG bandgap voltage (barrier height) eV ...
Add voltage markers to the circuit to plot the output and input voltage waveforms, and then run the simulation. Waveforms are displayed corresponding to where the markers are placed on the schematic. With waveform analysis, you can, not just display simple voltages, currents, power, and noi...
Controlled sources and Behavioral elements also do not have any tolerances. Voltage_bus part from pspice_elem library of Advance Analysis provides tolerance for the Voltage bus value. * Models and Tolerances Power supplies with tolerances A toleranced voltage source can be created by having a ...
13.2 V 1500W Bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) 1n6042 14.3 V 1500W Bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) 1n6043 16.5 V 1500W Bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) 1n6044 17.5 V 1500W Bidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) ...
PSpice User Guide Analog behavioral modeling October 2019 364 Product Version 17.4-2019 © 1999-2019 All Rights Reserved. TEMPLATE= E^@REFDES %OUT+ %OUT- LAPLACE {@EXPR}= (@XFORM) After netlist substitution of the template, the resulting transfer function would become: V(%OUT+, %OUT-) ...
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“Gmin/Source Stepping Failed”. SPICE will then terminate the run because both the AC and transient analyses require an initial stable operating point in order to proceed. During the transient analysis, this iterative process is repeated for each individual time step. If the node voltages do ...
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