:valid : Match a content to verify the correct input box :invalid : match an input box whose content fails validation :playing : Points to a playing audio or video element Browsers have recently received three more pseudo-class selectors... :is pseudo-class selector Note: This was originally...
You can chain pseudo selectors just like you canchain class and ID selectors. This is particularly useful here while we are looking at:first-letterand:first-line. You probably wouldn’t want to drop cap every single paragraph on the page, but just the first one, so,p:first-child:first-l...
If implemented,:has()would essentially be the “parent selector” that many CSS folks have longed to have available. It would work with logic similar to a combination of both:focus-withinand:is()with descendent selectors, where you are looking for thepresence of descendantsbut the applied styl...
IonicaBizau commented Nov 22, 2017 @mdo By removing the required attribute, the field will be :valid, hence it still cannot be made red using is-invalid. Opened #24847. mdo mentioned this issue May 21, 2020 is-invalid style should override pseudo selectors #30822 Closed Sign...
not(:first-child,.new){color:red;}First-child of paragraphParagraph2this will be in redThis paragraph color won't change as this belongs to the class "new".This paragraph text color will be red. Output: In this example, the very first paragraph's text color and the ones that have the...
The :required selector can be linked with pseudo-elements (e.g. ::after) and other selectors (e.g. :hover). Non-required elements can be customized with the :optional pseudo class along with :valid and :invalid which are activated when a form field’s data requirements are met. Version...
/* :when() → it feels like this should not take css selectors */ :when(textarea, input:matches([type=text], [type=number], [type=email], :not([type])) { /* weightless text box styling */ } :when(:any-link:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:focus)) { /* weightless link styl...
@Martin, it doesn’t. If you use one of this selectors, IE 6 is gonna ignore the entire rule. Reply LouieGeetoosays: March 4, 2012 at 3:47 pm So, what about the smartphone browsers (Android, iOS Safari, Opera Mini, etc.)? As far as I know they don’t support HTML5 validation...
Except for the “n”, the above is not valid, but serves to illustrate the expression in algebraic-like notation. In that expression, each of the letters “a” and “b” would be integers. Here’s what these letters represent: What is the “b” part?
I think should be good to remember that some pseudo selectors can be emulated using attribute selectors. For example, input[required] and input[readonly]. Reply Jason Neel says: February 28, 2012 at 5:58 pm What would be the use case for using the readonly attribute as opposed to the...